Archive for April, 2011

Oh Happy Day! YouTube Founders Takeover Delicious


Forget the Royal Wedding, the surprise piece of news that came out this week was that AVOS, a new company formed by YouTube founders, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen has acquired Delicious – the most famous social bookmarking site on the web – which was in the process of being decomissioned by Yahoo . SEW followed up with AVOS to get more details on the acquisition, but they were unable to comment at this time saying that they were “heads down working hard on the site so we aren’t giving interviews at this time”

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Search News & Headlines Around the Web – April 29, 2011


Here’s a roundup of today’s other search news and headlines from around the web. Click to read the rest of this post…

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Women Sue Google for $50M Over Android User Tracking


Following news last week that Android devices track and store your location , two women are suing Google for $50 million and trying to force Google to stop selling devices with the tracking software. The class action lawsuit was filed Wednesday in U.S

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, April 29, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

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Video From 1999 Of Google’s TGIF Staff Meetings


Here is a video from a month before Google hired Matt Cutts.

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Bing Maps’ “Game Changer”: Hi-Res Aerial Imagery Coming To Entire US and Western Europe


Hot on the heels of last week’s Read/Write World effort, Bing Maps has announced another ambitious project that will improve its imagery collection. It’s called the Global Ortho Project and the goal is to provide consistent, high resolution (30 cms) imagery across every square inch of… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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New York Times: Yes, Google’s Panda Update Hit NYT-Owned


The New York Times Company has confirmed recent reports that its property was one of the sites that suffered traffic declines in the wake of Google’s recent Panda/Farmer algorithm change.

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Image Is Everything: How To Get Your Non-Product Images To Show In Search Results


Here’s the first question: what is the business value of having one of your images come up at the top of Google’s search results? I don’t mean Google Image Search, I mean the first organic results (aka SERPs) seen on for a particular keyword?

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Using Social Awareness Streams To Learn What People Care About


It wasn’t long ago that knowledge about our world came from newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, and of course, person to person gossip, storytelling and family gatherings. The Internet changed all that.

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Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: April 29, 2011


This week on the Search Engine Roundtable, I cover the past week in search on the Royal Wedding Day.

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