Archive for May, 2011

Google AdWords Job Ad Extensions?


Spotted by James Carswell, Google is testing a new form of an AdWords ad that shows the number of job openings available on the landing page.

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Google’s Re-Focus, Its Meaning, and Its Risks


When it was announced in the early portions of 2011 that Eric Schmidt, long-time CEO and established C-level guru, was handing the control of Google back to original founder Larry Page, we knew that big changes were ahead. It was hard to say, however, whether Page’s leadership would mean more of the same or if Google may turn over a new leaf, for better or worse. Now it’s clear that Page is breaking from many of Schmidt’s examples; while Schmidt was the “adult supervision” and active mentor for Page, and continues to fill an advisory role, Page’s path has taken on a very different focus.

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Head Smacking Tip #20: Don’t Ask Sites for Links. Find People and Connect.


Posted by randfish Many of us trained in the ways of classical SEO are familiar with the link building process: Step 1: Find relevant sites from which to get a link. Step 2: Search for contact information (email or phone number)

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Head Smacking Tip #20: Don’t Ask Sites for Links. Find People and Connect.


Posted by randfish Many of us trained in the ways of classical SEO are familiar with the link building process: Step 1: Find relevant sites from which to get a link. Step 2: Search for contact information (email or phone number). Step 3: Get in touch and find a way to make the link happen (sell them on great content, do a trade in-kind, plant a seed and hope, etc.) If you’ve ever done this (for the first 2 years of my SEO career, it’s practically all I did), you know how much it sucks

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Google Drops Numerous APIs, Including Translate


If one year ago I had come in with an announcement that “Google dropped  X product,” it would mean that Google had seriously messed up, miscalculated, or determined that a service couldn’t survive in the market. Google dropping a project no longer means the same thing, however.

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Search Engine Keyword Research in a Mobile World


When I was growing up one of my favorite movies was  Hook . Those who, like me, memorized the movie will recall a scene where Peter has a “cell phone duel” with another lawyer in his office. He straddles into the hall, old western style, facing his opponent.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: May 30, 2011


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, May 30, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Hot At Sphinn: Measuring Social Influence, Matt Cutts’ Live Chat & More Social media measurement was the hot topic last week on our sister site,… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Hot At Sphinn: Measuring Social Influence, Matt Cutts’ Live Chat & More


Social media measurement was the hot topic last week on our sister site, Sphinn. A discussion about measuring social media influence picked up the most comments during the week, while an article about social media marketing ROI was our most popular content among Twitter users

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How Mobile Searchers Are Changing Keyword Research


Many analysts are making the case for separate device targeting in mobile paid search these days, but due largely to the subtlety of the differences in natural search results, too many SEOs are under the mistaken impression that desktop and mobile SEO are one in the same. Because this ignorance… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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