Engage or Die 1.
Engage or Die 1.
Panda 2.2, I believe, it 100% underway as of late last week. We had some early reports earlier this month, which may not have been a Panda update or maybe some small tests
Google is never short on AdWords experiments, running numerous format and placement experiments of varying sizes at any given time. One recent experiment includes an extra line in the search ad: “X clicks for this advertiser.” Google’s Click Cou..
Like in the previous years, Google has added a rainbow to the search results to show their support for the Gay and Lesbian community. June is Gay and Lesbian Pride month and like Google has done before in 2010, 2009 and 2008, Google has added the rainbow colors when you search for gay related..
Keyword research has, and always will be a major part of SEO. It’s a vital part of any effective SEO campaign and ensures that all the time and money you invest is going in the right direction
Last time, we began our look at behavioral search query insights around gift giving from a search marketing perspective by looking at trends in the use of “gift” as a search keyword in Google – and learned a few things in the pro…
Did you recently launch a blog to promote your small business?
Oracle, the company that owns Java, has been engaged in an arduous legal wrestling match with Google.
Posted by Dan Deceuster This post was originally in YOUmoz , and was promoted to the main blog because it provides great value and interest to our community.
Back in 2009, Google officially started supporting use of the rel=canonical attribute in HTML. The canonical attritbute is part of a link tag, in the section of your HTML page. This code allows webmasters to help Google identify pag…