Archive for June, 2011

SEO – What Does The Future Hold?


The dilemma for any SEO company; is how search engines change their algorithm (how they rank websites on the web). As the internet is growing, more and more websites are starting up and diluting each market; which makes SEO a constant job that is never finished.

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Google Calendar Redesign Live


As you know, Google is revamping the design across many of their properties. The latest property to get redesigned is Google Calendar. Here is the new look:

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Quick Guide to Smartphone & Mobile SEO


Need to learn more about smartphone and mobile SEO best practices? Let’s start with a few statistics: According to an infographic from Microsoft Tag, 51% of smartphone users are more likely to buy from a retailer with a mobile specific web site, however: only 4.8% of retailers have a mobile web site. A recent study by Google, “ The Mobile Movement: Understanding Smartphone Users ” reports 77% of smartphone users visit search engine websites followed by social networks

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Social Media Rules for Athletes


Although the 2012 Olympic games are more than a year away, social media preparations are certainly in order. Recently the International Olympic Committee released an advisory document to athletes encouraging them to use social media – but wi…

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Google+ Invites Forced To Shutdown


Due to overwhelming response, Google had to shutdown the invites to their newly launched social project Google+. Perhaps they can take a page from Twitter and just come up with their own Fail Whale, afterall most people found out about the closure..

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The New Google Social Network – Google+


Posted by caseyhen Last night I got my first look at Google+, I spent just over 3 hours diving in and playing with all the features they have to offer. For those of you who already have access, please share you thoughts in the comments and those without access, enjoy this preview and share your thoughts on what this new social network could mean for SEO

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New Yahoo Clues Offers Regional and Demographic Data


Clues, the Yahoo product that provides information on search trends on Yahoo searches, has just gotten a big upgrade. Their new version includes an upgraded interface, regional search data, and trends for separate demographics

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Google Now Lets Those In Google+ Offically Invite Others


Already in Google+ and want to let others in? Google’s now allowing this. Just look to the bottom of the right-hand side of your stream

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Daily Search Forum Recap: June 29, 2011


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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