Archive for June, 2011

How Much Does Google Make?


Posted by Dr. Pete This post has nothing to do with SEO tactics, but every once in a while I find myself trying to wrap my head around how much money Google makes. For the record, they made $29.3 Billion in revenue in 2010.

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How To See Inside Google+ If You Can’t Get Inside Google+


Google+ has been live for a full day now, and there’s plenty going on within the service, even with the limited number of people in there. Curious to see

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Google Plus: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly


When I first logged into Google+ I was a bit underwhelmed, but the more I used and explored the site, the more I liked it.  While it has already been deemed Google’s Facebook competitor, it is quite  different.   I want to share my opinion on the pros and cons of the site to help shine Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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French Company 1PlusV Sues Google for $421 Million


Paris-based Internet company 1PlusV is suing Google for €295 million euros, or approximately $421 million (U.S.), for what 1PlusV claims are anti-competitive practices. This is the largest case of its kind on a global scale and the largest si…

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Google’s Black Navigation Bar a Preview of Google+ Project


Apparently in light of Google’s announcement of their social Google+ project, Google is rolling out a new user interface (UI) for its standard search product. The UI appears to be modeled after the new Google Profile design. The black navigation…

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Search Spam vs. Search Relevancy


This morning while brushing my teeth I began thinking of the topic of Panda. I asked myself, was it aimed at fighting back at “content farms” who target the algorithm to build out content for searchers?

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Driving Social Media & Customer Acquisition Throughout the Customer Lifecycle


I received an invite to CrowdFactory’s “Driving Social Media & Customer Acquisition Throughout the Customer Lifecycle” webinar yesterday with Jeremiah Owyang from Altimeter Group and   Sanjay Dholakia , CEO of CrowdFactory and decided to liveblog it. Jeremiah has pioneered a lot of the social media thinking found in progressive companies today and his blog, Web Strategist , is known to senior business and agency marketing executives world-wide. I’ve been reading it for many years.

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SEO Software Startup Story: How BuzzStream Link & Social CRM Came Into Being


Paul May co-founded BuzzStream, a CRM for link building and PR/social media that allows online marketers to manage relationships and be more effective in getting results, be they links or press. He gave me the following two-part interview about the software creation and startup process

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Google’s Black & Gray Design Is Here To Stay


In conjunction with the new Google + project, Google announced on their main blog, search blog and maps blog the new look to the top bar and search results and map results pages…

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Global Rollout of Google +1


Google’s Google +1 push is now extending globally.

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