We work hard during the year, so come summer we naturally deserve some much needed rest and relaxation. However, how can we enjoy our vacation knowing that nothing is being published on our blogs and readers are slowly abandoning our sites
We work hard during the year, so come summer we naturally deserve some much needed rest and relaxation. However, how can we enjoy our vacation knowing that nothing is being published on our blogs and readers are slowly abandoning our sites
One of the many things I love about SEO is that you often get to work on a wide range of projects, across various types of clients. I’ve had the opportunity to work with startups, ecommerce sites, big brands, small businesses, local businesses, etc. There are times that my schedule has me jumping from one end of the spectrum to another, yet all focused on Search. I love that, but along with working on a wide range of projects, you get to see the good, the bad, and ugly of SEO. And some of those situations are tough to witness. For example, when companies reach out to me after seeing a major drop in organic search traffic, and in a very short period of time.
If you have ever had your site hacked or mistakenly overwritten pages with bad code, CodeGuard may be just what you are looking for and its free. I have had many sites over the years that through some error on my part or through hacking that did…
The Chinese government claims Google is using an attempted targeted Gmail phishing scam as a “political tool for slandering other countries,” according to a scathing front-page editorial in the People’s Daily today, the official newspaper of the C…
More than 130 search engine optimizers around the world have shared their opinions on the most important (and least important) factors that influence natural search engine rankings. Those opinions are included in SEOmoz’s just-published 2011 Search Engine Ranking Factors survey. Due to..
As Google puts the squeeze on traditional ranking signals and subsequently, Search Engine Optimization tactics, the growing emphasis on social signals has many SEO practitioners getting more serious about social engagement. While search marketing has been a key part of our consulting practice since 2001, our Online Marketing agency’s work with Public Relations and blogging since 2003 has helped us develop an appreciation of the influence and engagement outcomes possible with social media pretty quickly, vs.
The SEO world often talks about the idea of signals – data points used by search engines to deliver the most relevant results. But the paid search community almost never discusses them (a point Kevin Lee made two years ago). Yet, our ability…
Almost every Google product, property, and mechanism is social.