Yesterday, Google announced they are shutting down Google Labs. Google Labs is where many of the neat Google services and products were first introduced, including Google Suggest, which grew into Google Instant. That being said…
Yesterday, Google announced they are shutting down Google Labs. Google Labs is where many of the neat Google services and products were first introduced, including Google Suggest, which grew into Google Instant. That being said…
The Google AdWords Blog announced they have released the call metrics, aka phone extensions to all US and Canada advertisers. It has been in beta since 2010 and has resulted in over 5 million calls…
If you’re wondering what the logo is on Google today, it’s a mobile – perhaps you have memories of one hanging above your crib, or maybe even one hanging above your own child’s crib. Alexander Calder, born 113 years ago today in …
Below is today’s top news relating to Google+, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. Businesses Removed From Google+ Google Removes Mashable, Sesame Street & Other Prominent Accounts From Google+ is a post by Matt McGee which highlights some of the recently… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
A WebmasterWorld thread talks about a link building tactic that more often than not is very successful. The tactic is conducting surveys
I suspect someone is going to successfully build Google’s “contextual discovery engine” before Google does.
There’s little doubt that Google has long employed a “strategy of everything,” attempting to be all things to all people – at least on the internet. However, Larry Page (co-founder and, since April, CEO) has spearheaded a new tactic of increased focus and more concrete prioritization. As part of that effort, many Google projects have been retired
Gmail is continuing the expansion of its feature armada. The most recent addition is the option to make or take multiple Gmail calls simultaneously
Posted by Cyrus Shepard By now you’ve heard about SEOmoz’s study of Google ranking factors , but what about negative ranking factors? Sure, positive factors such the correlations between social media shares and higher rankings earn a lot of attention – and they should.
Microsoft announced fiscal Q4 and full year revenue this afternoon.