Archive for August, 2011

6 Myths Chinese Search Engine Baidu Would Rather Like To Correct


A few weeks ago, I spent a few days with the Baidu team in Beijing. My first conversation was with Kaiser Kuo who is the Director of International Communications and the very first topic we covered was in answer to the question, “What would you rather people better understood relating to Baidu and… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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6 Myths Chinese Search Engine Baidu Would Rather Like To Correct


A few weeks ago, I spent a few days with the Baidu team in Beijing.

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Linking Oddities That Ripley Would Like


Ahhh, the strangeness that is links. This week’s column will hopefully spark some questions, answer a few others, and also point out some weird linking related phenomena, beginning with two examples: If this search is correct, Google indexes a little over (Use Dr. Evil voice) 1 billion pages…

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Two Weeks Left Until Search Engine Land’s SMX East Conference- Register Now


Only two weeks until Search Marketing Expo – SMX East returns to New York City, September 13-15.

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Google + Rankings: Google Is Doing It To Themselves, Again


Wired came out with an article last night named Google Explores Re-Ranking Search Results Using +1 Button Data – it is nothing new…

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The (Social) Medium Is Not The Message


Last month, I talked about how marketers need to distinguish between interactions and true engagement*. As part of that, I referenced the fact that Facebook and Twitter had been written about in relation to events such as the death of Amy Winehouse, the massacre in Norway and the Egyptian…

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#Optimize Your Online Marketing With Social Media, SEO & Content


With the boom in brands publishing content and the explosion of user generated content from social networks , the competition to stand out is only going to get more challenging for companies that rely on the web to attract new business.  Online Marketers that adapt, evolve and scale through a more holistic approach to marketing online gain both  short and long term benefits, distinct from competitors reliant on the latest tactic du jour. The process of change starts with acknowledgment that change is needed and then extends to identifying goals, understanding target audiences & communities, developing an approach and tactical mix for reaching business objectives

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Google+ Wins When Spammers Win


As the never-ending battle of search engines vs. marketers marches on, it occurs to me that (in some instances, at least) only half-heartedly fighting may be in the best interests of the engine itself. Unlike the virus writer vs.

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The Greatest Attribution Ever Graphed


Posted by Slingshot SEO This post was originally in YOUmoz , and was promoted to the main blog because it provides great value and interest to our community. The author’s views are entirely his or her own and may not reflect the views of SEOmoz, Inc.

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Google Analytics Demystifies Visitor Behavior With Multi-Channel Funnel Reports


One of the biggest challenges in analyzing conversions to your website is figuring out which channels contributed to a goal conversion. A new change to Google Analytics now allows you to see when multiple channels contribute to a goal

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