Archive for September, 2011

Accidental Noindexation Recovery Strategy and Results


Posted by chadburgess This post was originally in YOUmoz , and was promoted to the main blog because it provides great value and interest to our community.

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How to Spoof Facebook Friends with Dodgy Headlines from Trusted News Sources


I’m not sure how long users have been able to edit the titles and descriptions of news posts shared by friends, but people should be aware – especially marketers.

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Happy 13th Birthday Google!


Today is Google’s 13 year old birthday and to celebrate, Google has a special birthday logo with a cake, birthday hats and more! It reminds me of pictures of my childhood birthday parties in the 1980s…

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comScore YouTube Partner Reporting Rankings Reveal 7 Significant Secrets


The first month of official comScore YouTube Partner Reporting rankings were announced last week. The data from the comScore Video Metrix service for August 2011 provided a never-before-seen comparison of viewership across hundreds of the 20,000 Y…

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Conductor Examines SEO Technology Impact on On-Page Auditing [STUDY]


Conductor just released the second part of their Unoptimized SEO series, How SEOs are Missing out on Natural Search Traffic by Neglecting On-Page Auditing. The first report demonstrated that technology reconfigures the SEOs focus, allowing them to..

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Two Years Later, Google To Retire Old AdSense Interface


We knew this day would come eventually, but two years later seems like an awfully long time. Google announced they are going to be retiring the old AdSense interface in mid-November, replacing it with the “new” interface…

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Two Years Later, Google To Retire Old AdSense Interface


We knew this day would come eventually, but two years later seems like an awfully long time. Google announced they are going to be retiring the old AdSense interface in mid-November, replacing it with the “new” interface…

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Google’s 13th Birthday: 12 Top Stories From the Past 12 Months


Google officially became a teenager today. The search engine that became synonymous with search and the “don’t be evil” motto has now been part of the Internet experience for 13 years. What can we expect from Google this year

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Larry Page: Biggest Threat To Google? “Google”


It’s the Google Zeitgeist conference, Google’s big event for major partners and advertisers. Last session of the event? A talk with Google CEO Larry Page and chairman Eric Schmidt

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