Archive for September, 2011

Larry Page: Biggest Threat To Google? “Google”


It’s the Google Zeitgeist conference, Google’s big event for major partners and advertisers.

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Yahoo: Deal for iPhone Not Strictly a Hallucination


This story originally appeared on ClickZ: Susan Kuchinskas wrote Yahoo: Deal for iPhone Not Strictly a Hallucination Yahoo has taken a drubbing in the media lately, with pundits opining it will soon be sold off for parts. So a recent conf..

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Conquer Link Directory Best Practices for SEO


Posted by Cyrus Shepard Good news to all you link builders out there. SEOmoz just updated the PRO SEO Web Directory List .

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Daily Search Forum Recap: September 27, 2011


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, September 27, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Old AdSense Interface To Be Retired in November Google has worked the most-requested features from its older interface into its new one, including creating… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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4 Quick Ways to Audit Your Paid Search Account


Poor account structure and bad campaign settings can cost you hundreds or thousands of wasted dollars every week. Like a physical for your account, good auditing helps to catch bad habits and some warning signs before costs spiral out of control

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Google: Parking Your WWW Domain Will Hurt Your Site


I see it way too often…

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Old AdSense Interface To Be Retired in November


Google has worked the most-requested features from its older interface into its new one, including creating scheduled reports and viewing channels on the Home tab. Now, it’s getting ready to sunset the old interface, as of mid-November.

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Google+ Reaches 50 Million Users


Last Tuesday, the Google Blog announced that Google+, which had been “invitation only,” was changing to “open access.” According to data from Experian Hitwise, since Google+ made the service publically available, Google has seen a 1269% increase in traffic to the social networking site. In the week following its public launch, Google+ increased to 15 million US visitors and increased its ranking to the 8 th most visited social networking site. However, during the same time period, Facebook continued to dominate Google+ with well over 1.7 billion visits.

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