Archive for September, 2011

Google May Drop Keyboard Navigation Arrows


Last October, Google released a new interface and along with that came blue triangle arrows used with the keyboard to navigate up and down the search results with your up and down arrow keys.

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Facebook PAC: Which 2012 Candidate Will Facebook Like?


On Monday, Facebook filed the necessary paperwork to form the political action committee FB PAC.

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Santorum & Google’s Search Quality Czar Matt Cutts Makes The Colbert Report


The search industry is getting a little more mainstream recognition every day, as tonight’s episode of The Colbert Report picked on Google’s handling of the Spreading Santorum situation. This time the target was software engineer Matt Cutts, long known to search industry insiders as…

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Search Marketing Learnings From The Nordic Region


I just returned from a week in the Nordic region of Northern Europe speaking at conferences in Stockholm Sweden (SMX Stockholm) and Oslo Norway (SEM Konfrensen) which became the 35th country where I have given a presentation. While I am more well known across Asia, I really like attending these…

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Google Birthday: Tech Giant Celebrates 13th Birthday


Today, Google’s homepage is featuring a Google doodle with the Google letters celebrating Google’s thirteenth birthday.

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Google Webmaster Tools Download Errors Bug


There has been a bug in Google Webmaster Tools lingering since July of this year where missing data is not found in the “Download all sources of errors on this site” report. Michael Martinez wrote a new Google Webmaster Help thread summarizing all the complaints and issues with the download…

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SES Berlin Teams Up With OMCap 2011


Attention German search marketers: get ready for a real treat this October. The ever popular SES Berlin Is running in conjunction with Germany’s other popular search and social event, OMCap 2011.

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