Archive for September, 2011

Google Keeps Images You Upload To Google Search By Image


Google’s search by image feature is pretty cool, even though sometimes it confuses me with a porn star. A user asked in a Google Web Search Help thread, what does Google do with the images you upload to the search by image feature?

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Google Chrome to Beat Out Mozilla Firefox by December


According to a recent report by the StatCounter web analytics firm, Google Chrome is on track to pass Mozilla Firefox’s number of users by December of this year. Unless Mozilla Firefox, which is the world’s second-most used browser in the world, can put an end to Chrome’s rapid growth rate, the Firefox browser era may be coming to a close

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Bing Unleashing Tiger to Speed Search Results


Bing and Microsoft engineers are working on new back-end search infrastructure, with the goal of delivering faster and more relevant search results for users. Known as “Tiger,” the new index-serving technology is being incorporated int…

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What Is The Key To Effective SEO Elevator Pitches?


If you only had 30 seconds to explain search engine optimization (SEO) to others, how would you do it? Would your explanation be different for user experience professionals? Here’s how I explain it.

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Premium Google Analytics with a Premium Price Tag


Yesterday afternoon, Enrique Munoz Torres, the Product Manager of the Google Analytics team, announced a new Premium version of Google Analytics. Initially, the product will only be available in the US, Canada, and the UK where Google indicated that it has already signed on Papa John’s, Travelocity, Gucci, and Transunion for the premium service. The price tag, which is a hefty $150,000 per year, will discourage the majority of Google Analytics users from changing over to the Google Analytics Premium service

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Verified YouTube Users Can Now Upload Beyond 15 Minutes


Today, I am offline, so no video recap from me today. I scheduled this post in advanced, so people have something to read and yes..

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Crushing Barriers to Launching an SEO Firm — Part 2: Experience


When I started my company, I had a few solid years of SEO experience to draw on, with good references at each place of employment. I entered the industry in an entry-level SEO position with a large e-commerce company that specialized in home furnishings. Soon thereafter, the VP of technology at the company was hired by to work as a senior product manager, and he hired me to work on Ask’s Search Quality team as a search relevancy evaluator.

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Facebook “Frictionless Sharing” Creating Friction With Privacy Advocates, Regulators


Mark Zuckerberg at F8, the Facebook developer conference held last week, exhorted people to “tell their life story” on Facebook via its new Timeline feature. Facebook also promoted new Open Graph apps integration and so-called “frictionless sharing.” But frictionless sharing… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Scrapers and the Panda Update – A Match Made in Heaven


I have an associate that runs a very large and heretofore successful content site. He’s an experienced and competent entrepreneur and CEO

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