Archive for September, 2011

B2B Benchmark Report Sheds Light On Lead Generation Through Use Of Search & Online Media Mix


The online B2B landscape is a challenging environment for lead generation. The champs are those who can prove themselves to be the right solution at all the stages when a customer is in the market.

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B2B Benchmark Report Sheds Light On Lead Generation Through Use Of Search & Online Media Mix


The online B2B landscape is a challenging environment for lead generation.

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Google Intros AdWords For Video, Folding In YouTube Features


In a bid to unify its advertising interfaces and improve reporting for YouTube video ads, Google is launching a limited public beta of “AdWords for Video” — which includes four “TrueView” video ad formats, for which advertisers pay when the video is viewed or started… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Sen. Franken Criticizes Google In Hearings, Praises Google In Promotional Video


Politics are messy and often riddled with ethical potholes and challenges. One illustration of this is Senator Al Franken’s apparent “conflict of interest” where Google is concerned. Discovered by Mike Blumenthal Franken did a “commercial” on behalf of Google’s…

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Using Social Media to Get Ahead of Search Demand


Posted by iPullRank Before I even start saying anything about keyword research I want to take my hat off to Richard Baxter because the tools and methodologies he shared at MozCon make me feel silly for even thinking about bringing something to the Keyword Research table. Now with that said, I have a few ideas about using data sources outside of those that the Search Engines provide to get a sense of what needs people are looking to fulfill right now. Consider this the first in a series

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Want To Speak @ SMX Social Media Marketing? Here’s How


The agenda is live, and we’re now accepting submissions to speak at SMX Social Media Marketing 2011, Scottsdale, AZ, on December 5-6, 2011. To increase the odds of being selected, be sure to read the agenda.

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, September 28, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: How You Can Build Links Easily With Product Reviews The art of building links to increase search rankings has been a big topic in the SEO community for a long…

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SEO: Success Through Delegation & Integration


I’m a big fan of delegation – at least that’s what my last review decided.

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Google UK Shopping Displaying US Results?


There are recent complaints at WebmasterWorld that Google Shopping / Product Search in the UK is showing way too many U.S. based stores.

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TrueView Video Ads Open Treasure Chest of AdWords Inventory


Google has expanded video ad options and added a new online video campaign creation section in the AdWords UI, allowing advertisers to create video ads for delivery across the Google Display Network (GDN) and the YouTube within a single interface….

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