Archive for November, 2011

SearchCap: The Day In Search, November 29, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: AdWords Unveils New Top-Of-Page Bidding Options Google introduced a report in July that let AdWords advertisers compare performance between top-of-page ads and… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Google Shows Evolution of Search, Launches Interactive Timeline


Official Google representatives have given their feedback on how Google has evolved, what its priorities are, and where the future will take us. The company has also included a six-minute video and a visual timeline. The Google Search of Yore …

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Just How Smart Are Search Robots?


Posted by iPullRank Matt Cutts announced at Pubcon that Googlebot is “getting smarter.” He also announced that Googlebot can crawl AJAX to retrieve Facebook comments coincidentally only hours after I unveiled Joshua Giardino's research that suggested Googlebot is actually a headless browser based off the Chromium codebase at SearchLove New York. I'm going to challenge Matt Cutts' statements, Googlebot hasn't just recently gotten smarter, it actually hasn’t been a text-based crawler for some time now; nor has BingBot or Slurp for that matter. There is evidence that Search Robots are headless web browsers and the Search Engines have had this capability since 2004.

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AdWords Unveils New Top-Of-Page Bidding Options


Google introduced a report in July that let AdWords advertisers compare performance between top-of-page ads and those appearing on the side (and now the bottom) of the page.

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Google Shares The Evolution Of Their Search Engine


Google is really a fascinating company, so when you step back and look at how they evolved, it is both fun and education…

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A Facebook $10 Billion IPO Would Dwarf Google’s IPO


The tech and investment worlds are in a frenzy, now that the Wall Street Journal has reported Facebook may be inching ever closer to a $10 billion initial public offering (IPO), possibly as soon as Q2 2012. It could be the most valuable IPO e…

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Google – Under the Hood [INFOGRAPHIC]


This infographic was created by Blog Search Engine, where you can promote your blog by getting it reviewed. I think this infographic offers some fantastic data, in a visually appealing way, that SEOs can discuss with their clients

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Cadbury’s Brin & Page Google +1 Chocolate Bars


Cadbury posted on their Google + page a picture of their latest milk chocolate bars named “Dairy Milk+ Bars.” The Milk+ bars come in two flavors, Sergey Brin & Larry Page – i.e. the co-founders of Google.

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Geek Health: Prevent Neck & Back Pain w/These Yoga Moves


Working long hours at a desk can wreak havoc on your posture. When we spend too much time sitting in front of a computer, our heads tend to move forward . .

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WordAds: WordPress Declares Bloggers Deserve an Alternative to AdSense


Early this morning, WordPress announced a new program that will finally allow bloggers to monetize the 24 million blogs with advertising.

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