Archive for January, 2012

Spam Reporting For Google Rich Snippets


A month ago, we reported an issue with fake rich snippets showing up more often in Google’s search results. In short…

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Major Entertainment Groups Accuse Google, Bing Of Directing Users To Illegal Content


Several major UK entertainment industry groups are accusing Google and Bing of directing searchers to illegal content, and have proposed a “Code of Practice” for how search engines can better encourage consumers to locate legal content on the web. The groups are also calling for the UK..

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How Google+ Could Threaten Google’s Core Search Business


Social is an important part of how online users will consume and spread quality content, but it has to be integrated in a manner that doesn’t degrade core search functionality or sully searcher trust in what is the most utilized search engine.

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5 Simple Ways to Explore Your Social Media Following


The larger your social media following, the greater your potential reach online. It’s this statement that leads so many businesses to work to increase the number of fans and followers they have

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Now Test Your Sitemaps Before Submitting Them To Google


Google has quietly added a feature to Google Webmaster Tools that allows you to test your sitemap files prior to submitting them to Google. Google’s Pierre Far confirmed that this is indeed a brand new feature built to help webmasters debug their sitemap files prior to submitting them. One of..

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Now Test Your Sitemaps Before Submitting Them To Google


Google has quietly added a feature to Google Webmaster Tools that allows you to test your sitemap files prior to submitting them to Google. Google’s Pierre Far confirmed that this is indeed a brand new feature built to help webmasters debug their sitemap files prior to submitting them. One of..

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YouTube TrueView Ads Pump Up Search Traffic, Conversions for TRX


Typically, TRX aims to spend $40 on online advertising for each sale it generates from its ads. When TRX tested YouTube for the launch of a new product, the company generated an advertising cost per sale of $14, about 65% lower than their average.

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New: Test Sitemaps & Googlebot Mobile In Google Webmaster Tools


I believe there are two new features now in Google Webmaster Tools. They are the ability to test sitemaps before submitting them to Google and testing crawlers specifically for Googlebot-Mobile…

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3 Keys To Online Retail In 2012: Doing More With Less


We are only a month into 2012, but 2011 already seems like a distant memory. Christmas was over a month ago and Black Friday was approximately 6 months ago by my calculations.

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What The Holidays Tell Search Marketers


I realize most of us are already well-focused on 2012, so a look back at the 2011 holiday season may seem a bit dated.

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