Archive for January, 2012

Jef Poskanzer ACME Banned From Google AdSense


Google is constantly banning AdSense publishers but this new ban is very interesting. About two weeks ago, Google banned Jef Poskanzer, a computer programmer, known for being the first person to post a weekly FAQ to Usenet…

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Zendesk Announces Availability in Google Chrome Web Store


Zendesk, the cloud-based help desk technology behind Groupon and Zappos, announced today its availability in the Google Chrome Web Store.

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U.S. Mobile Ad Spending Forecast to Exceed $2.6 Billion in 2012


Due to the rapid growth of mobile phones in the world and the advancement of Google’s mobile search advertising business, mobile ad spending is expected to grow past $2.6 billion in 2012. Overall ad share for Google is around 51 percent.

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Need a Cheat Sheet for Socal Media?


Well, Flowtown made a fantastic one and we want to share it with you. Now obviously many of us do not need this cheat sheet, but there are plenty of people that do! Like clients and parents.

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Facebook IPO: Social Hype or Sound Investment


As early as tomorrow, Facebook is expected to file paperwork for an initial public offering (IPO). The social media giant is reportedly hoping to raise $10 billion on a valuation of $100 billion. According to many experts, Facebook’s revenue, which eMarketer estimates was approximately $4.4 billion last year, is not high enough to warrant a Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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Twitter Actions Receive Seesaw Reactions


Twitter announced changes in its privacy policies, which immediately raised concerns for freedom activists in addition to writers and reporters in other lands, who feel their ability to share stories, some that may be seen as ‘controversial’ by respective governments and authority figures, will be limited.  The reaction comes at a sensitive time for most Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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Google+ Growing Your Social Network: Quantity vs. Quality


There is an ongoing discussion trying to better understand what Google+ brings to the table.

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Pass Options for SMX West – Sessions, Networking and More


Search Marketing Expo – SMX West kicks off February 28 at the San Jose Convention Center. With nearly 60 educational sessions and keynotes, multiple networking activities and presentations from leading solutions providers, you’ll leave a more informed, effective and inspired internet marketer. SMX…

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12 Steps To Optimize A Webpage For Organic Keywords


In this article, I’ll outline the steps I take to optimize a webpage to try to improve organic search results;  both increase rankings and improve click-throughs from the search listings. If you’ve been following along in this series, we covered the first steps in the previous two articles.

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Google: Spam Links To 404 Pages Won’t Hurt You


Google’s John Mueller said in a Google Webmaster Help thread said that if you have bad or spammy links pointing to 404 pages, it should have no negative impact on your overall site’s rankings. John said not only should it not happen, he has never seen it happen…

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