Archive for January, 2012

Twitter Offers Enhanced Profiles to Advertisers Spending $25K+


Twitter is expanding its rollout of enhanced profile pages to include advertisers with $25,000 or higher in active ad orders on products including promoted tweets and trends. The new pages will begin rolling out February 1.

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A Roundup Of New U.S. Government Search Tools


The U.S. government generates a wealth of useful and interesting information. Despite excellent government-oriented search engines like and, government information isn’t always easy to find.

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8 Quick Ways to Increase Your AdWords CTR


There are times you just want to increase your click-through rates. You might need to raise it to help Quality Scores, increase traffic, or gain visibility for a new product

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Why These 3 Ranking Factors Matter (but Nobody Seems to Care About)


While factors like local relevance, link building and trust seem to get all the attention these days, there are some ranking factors that you need to learn how to use effectively if you want to become a top-notch SEO. The following ranking factors have proven to be equally important to the other factors. In fact, Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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Google: Robots.txt Files Must Be Smaller Than 500KB


Google’s John Mueller reminds webmasters on his Google+ page that Google has a limit of only being able to process up to 500KB of your robots.txt file. This is an important point, if you have a super heavy robots.txt file, and it is beyond 500KB…

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What You Need To Know About Targeting iPad & Tablet Searchers


“2012 will be the year of the tablet,” said Kenshoo CMO Aaron Goldman in a recent Search Insider column.

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10 Basic Bing Local Optimization Tips


Local business marketers often hyper-focus on Google search rankings, but it’s important not to forget that even if Bing and Yahoo! do not have the lion’s share, even 15% of search volume can create a sizable number of potential business referrals.

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Klout Myth Busters: Thoughts From the Experts


I have heard so many crazy things about Klout and I am seeing the same myths repeated over and over again. So, I asked some of the leaders in our industry some questions related to the Klout myths I see often. I highly suggest that those that are doing SEO, social media and also those Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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How to Harmonize Google+ With Your Other Social Platforms


Search Plus has magnified the importance of blending your web marketing strategy so that it adheres to the at once social, personal and personalized search algorithm. Here’s how to play nice with the new update and your existing sharing platforms.

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Twitter Censorship: Necessary Evil or War on Freedom of Speech


In a blog post late last week, Twitter announced plans to begin censoring users’ tweets within certain countries. The censorship policy, which the company has stated is reactive only, will not filter tweets before they appear on Twitter. Instead, after Twitter receives what they view as a valid and applicable legal request concerning a specific Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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