Archive for March, 2012

Inbound Marketing: Some Tips &Stats via Slideshare & Infographic


Inbound marketing is serious business and like any form of marketing things must be done right. I hope the information shared today can help you begin creating an effective inbound marketing campaign.

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40+ SEO Tools of the Trade


Some of the top minds in the search industry shared their list of tools for the advanced and aspiring SEO professional to investigate at SES New York 2012. Here’s a rundown of nearly every SEO tool you’ll ever need to help you do your job better.

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Google Penalizes Blog Networks, Did SEOs Use It To Hurt Competitors?


As I reported at Search Engine Land, Google has caught another blog network in action after that blog network worked magic for a long long time. Those sites and webmasters who participated in that network reaped the benefits of good rankings and now find themselves penalized and some deindexed by Google completely.

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ROI Driven SEO – 3 Powerful Tips to Effectively Convert Your SEO Traffic


This month at conversion conference, I covered a session on the interplay between CRO and SEO.  It was great to see a ton of internet marketers thinking about introducing CRO in their SEO process.

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Why A Diverse Link Profile Is More Critical Than Ever


I really hate reading articles where people say “I told you so” or blast someone’s techniques, but the recent crackdown and deindexing of blog networks is a great lesson in what can happen if you rely on any one method in link building. I know people who run these types of… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Targeting the Right Search Engine for Your Market


Most businesses and organizations recognize SEO as a vital part of any online marketing strategy.

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How the Web Uses Anchor Text in Links [Study]


Examining how a broad selection of websites have implemented anchor text across their websites, looking at more than 100,000 links across e-commerce and non-ecommerce domains, ultimately analyzing more than 4.2 million links and their anchor text.

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Customer Centric Content Optimization (Say That 3 Times Fast) – Presented by Lee Odden


The final day of SES New York wrapped up with a series of the top rated sessions from other SES conferences. One of those sessions was a presentation on “Content & Customer Optimization” by my boss TopRank Online Marketing CEO Lee Odden ( @leeodden ). I for one was impressed that on the final day of the conference and the last session of the day the room was packed and people were ready to learn.

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Paid Search Testing, March Madness Bracket Style


Testing is a critical piece to success in all aspects of digital marketing. Understanding the measurement plan and goals of the test prior to testing anything is they key.

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Romanians are Smart or How to Change the Google Autocomplete Suggestions


Posted by gabandrei This post was originally in YouMoz , and was promoted to the main blog because it provides great value and interest to our community.

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