Archive for March, 2012

Optimizing News for Searchers, Search Engines & News Publishers


News search optimization is a daunting task for any news publisher or marketer. News search has ballooned both on search engines and news sites, but how people search on these different sites and what they search for differs greatly.

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Google Ordered To Shut Down Google Instant’s Autocomplete In Japan


The Japan Times reports Google has been ordered to turn off the auto-complete feature in Japan after being sued by a man for the auto-complete suggestions. The man’s case was adjudicated on March 19th

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3 Steps to Using Social Media to Improve Your SEO


There’s no doubt now that your social media presence influences your rankings within the search engine results pages.  However, what is up for debate is the specific mechanisms by which social media signals influence your site’s SEO. In lieu of a definitive answer from Google (which we’re not exactly crossing our fingers for!), we’ve compiled the existing Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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3 More Studies Examine Wikipedia’s Page 1 Google Rankings


Three companies – Conductor, SpyFu, and Slingshot SEO – have released studies offering alternative looks at the distribution of Wikipedia results on Google’s first page and beyond, to determine how pages rank for a large assortment of queries.

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Unnatural Link Warnings and Blog Networks


Posted by Carson Ward Advice and Confessions from a Reformed Link Network Spammer There was only one time when link building was the easiest, least challenging part of my SEO work. I was a link network spammer, relying upon services with names like “blog networks” and “article networks.” These services allow paid subscribers to post their content to a network of sites for the sole purpose of building links.

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Zenya Introduces Keyword Repository Categorized by Searcher Intent


Categorical keyword repository Zenya has unveiled their new keyword database. Zenya’s database is over 1.4 billion keywords strong, 600 million of which are categorized by searcher intent (to purchase, compare, question, or by negative intent).

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Facebook Warns: Don’t Share Passwords With Employers


Following public outcry over reports that companies have been asking employees to hand over login credentials in order to scan their profiles, Facebook has advised against handing password information to current or prospective employers.

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How Google Names Its Algorithm Updates & Products


What’s in a name?

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Top Problems with Landing Pages & How to Improve Your Conversion Rates


If your company is throwing around the idea of building a landing page or series of landing pages it is first important to understand what they are, as well as the elements that go into creating an effective landing page. At their core landing pages are simply a single web page that contains a form that inspires your customers to take the next step.

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Building Links with Video Content


Posted by Jacob Klein You've finally done it.

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