Archive for March, 2012

Yahoo Patent Lawsuit: Unfortunate Pre-IPO Timing for Facebook


With Facebook on the verge of a record-setting technology IPO, Yahoo has filed a patent infringement lawsuit that argues the social network has inappropriately used technology in a way that infringes on ten of Yahoo’s patents. The lawsuit, which was filed on Monday in a California federal court, comes at a time when investors are Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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Google: Demographic Bidding Being Eliminated To Clear Way For New AdWords Features


Though it hasn’t been announced, a few eagle-eyed folks have noticed a change to Google’s Help pages that says demographic bidding will be phased out on March 21. We spoke to Google about it, and received confirmation that this is the case. “This is a feature that we have to..

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Unleash the Power of Content Marketing in 5 Easy Steps


As a relatively new company, started in 2011, we had a decision to make. Would we invest our time in content marketing or would we stick with the old-fashioned outbound marketing strategies like cold calling and email blasting

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Akira Yoshizawa Google Logo Honors Grandfather of Origami


A colorful, origami-inspired logo appears on Google’s home page today, in honor of Akira Yoshizawa. Recognized as the “grandfather of modern origami,” Yoshizawa created techniques that would inspire generations of origami artists to come.

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US Subpoenas Apple For Details About Default iOS Google Search Deal


The US FTC has subpoenaed Apple to provide documentation and information about Google’s presence on iOS as the default search engine. According to Bloomberg the FTC is also seeking similar information from handset makers and carriers. This arises in the context of the US government’s..

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Weekly Webinars and Upcoming Events 3/14/12


SES is quickly approaching this weekend, so if you are not registered now is the time to do it. On the other hand, March 20th is the first day of spring so get outside and enjoy the weather as well. Future Proofing Your SEO

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Client Horror Stories: The Nut Job


We all say people are crazy, but this client has to win the award for the biggest nut job. I will be avoiding saying whether this was a male or female so be ready to read “the client” a lot. Why

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How to Train an SEO in 5 Days


Looking to train an SEO from scratch? This plan covers the key subjects and essential tools SEOs need to learn to use to ensure they become an effective team member.

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Bing Linked Pages Simpler than Google+ Author Markup


At first glance Bing Linked Pages sounds like an answer to Google’s content authorship markup.

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When Will Social Search Engine Volunia Deliver its Quantum Leap?


Volunia is the brainchild of search engineer Massimo Marchiori, credited with inspiring PageRank as we know and love it with his Hyper Search algorithm concept. Marchiori shares an update on the new search engine’s progress and upcoming features.

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