Archive for March, 2012

Daily Search Forum Recap: March 29, 2012


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…

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The New On-Page Optimization – Whiteboard Friday


Posted by JoannaLord In this week's Whiteboard Friday, we are covering some advanced techniques that you can use to optimize your landing pages. The typical web user has evolved and it's important for web marketers to evolve with them. By taking a look at how the web has changed we can make more informed decisions on how to optimize our pages and maximize their impact

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, March 29, 2012


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Traffic Estimates Return To Google Maps About a year ago, Google dropped traffic estimates from Google Maps driving directions and now they are back in the form…

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Google Maps For Android Gets A Nice Update


Google has made some big changes to the Google Maps for Android app…

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Traffic Estimates Return To Google Maps


About a year ago, Google dropped traffic estimates from Google Maps driving directions and now they are back in the form of “current traffic conditions.” To see the traffic conditions, go to Google Maps and type directions from point A to point B. Google will show you the “current… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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SEO Featured In National Car Rental Commercial


National Car Rental has been running a TV campaign named “Go Like A Pro” where they feature certain professionals in different industries that use their car rental service as part of their business. In February they featured an SEO named Lindsay in one of the videos.

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Google Retired Geo Sitemap Support


We reported this about a week ago but it seems to have gone unnoticed.

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An Opinion on the Google “Deindexing Blog Networks” News


Let me start by saying that I am not targeting any blog network in particular. This is just my over all opinion for those that are behaving unethically regarding link schemes. I am sure you have all seen various articles about Google cracking down on the link schemes of blog networks.

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Analysis: Google Makes $10 Per Android User Per Year


An analysis performed by UK publication The Guardian on court documents filed in the patent litigation between Google and Oracle suggests that Google has made less on Android handsets than from the iPhone. The court documents are part of a settlement proposal filed in the case. There’s no…

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