Archive for April, 2012

Runaway Facebook Threads! 5 Tips B2B Community Managers Should Master


Alert! Alert! Your social community is in crisis! Remember that third-party article you posted to the company Facebook Wall yesterday afternoon? Its content sure didn’t seem controversial at the time.

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New Features of Webmaster Tools


Google Webmaster Tools has developed in line with the growing demands of the SEO industry over the past year. Many new and powerful features have been added, which are all well worth understanding.

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It’s Live: Google Over Optimization Algorithm (3% Of Searches Affected)


As expected the over optimization algorithm Google’s Matt Cutts pre-announced a few weeks ago is now live according to the Google Search Blog…

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Chinese Search Market Update: Baidu Predicts Growth Slowdown


Baidu, the leading Chinese-language Internet search provider, recently reported a strong year-over-year rise in first-quarter earnings.

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Weekly Webinars and Upcoming Events 4/25/2012


Today I’m posting these webinars while attending a small online markeing conference. Now, when I say small that refers to the amount of attendees not in the weight of the information I’ll be able to learn and new ideas that may inspire me. There may be meet-ups, small conferences and even business groups near you

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Site Performance, Subscriber Stats & Robots.txt Tool Removed From Google Webmaster Tools


Google announced they are removing three features from Google Webmaster Tools. Google made the announcement on the Google Webmaster Central blog saying the three features going away include the site performance report, the subscriber stats and the robots.txt creation tool.

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An Open Letter From a Frustrated Outsourced Link Building Author


Posted by TrendingSideways This post was originally in YouMoz , and was promoted to the main blog because it provides great value and interest to our community. The author’s views are entirely his or her own and may not reflect the views of SEOmoz, Inc. Outsourcing your link building efforts can work, but as a Textbroker author I can tell you right now, most people aren't doing it right.

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An Open Letter From a Frustrated Outsourced Link Building Author


Posted by TrendingSideways This post was originally in YouMoz , and was promoted to the main blog because it provides great value and interest to our community. The author’s views are entirely his or her own and may not reflect the views of SEOmoz, Inc

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An SEO’s Guide to SEO Audits Part 4: What to Include in Your “SEO Site Audit Checklist”


More Reading Part 1 The Pre-Audit Preparation Process What to Charge & What to Do Part 2: The Pre-Audit Preparation Part 3: SEO Site Audit Approach & Layout This is really the heart of the matter: what are you going to include in your SEO audit? This should be influenced by: Your price Your area(s) Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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Smartphone Search Engine Crawlers & Mobile URLs


With Google introducing the Googlebot for smartphones crawler and Bing embracing a “one URL per content item” strategy, life has become a lot easier in mobile SEO. However, you still need to watch out for these potential problems and common issues.

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