A Google News Help thread has several reports from users that the Google News homepage “flashes” and “jumps” when you scroll through the news. I was able to reproduce the issue while on Firefox 11 on my Mac…
A Google News Help thread has several reports from users that the Google News homepage “flashes” and “jumps” when you scroll through the news. I was able to reproduce the issue while on Firefox 11 on my Mac…
In the search engine marketing world, effective online marketing comes down to surfacing keyword opportunities that reflect a demand for solutions (products/services). Content about those products is created and optimized to attract search traffic for popular and relevant keywords. Niche products often suffer from a universe of keywords that have low popularity counts and that creates a challenge
Writing content for a website is easy.
Internal linking is the most overlooked and undervalued SEO tactic. What many search marketers don’t realize is that you can often get just as much SEO value from internal links placed on high-value pages on your site as you can from inbound links.
Social search company Wajam launched their next generation offering today, bringing personalized results from Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to regular Google search with a user interface that rivals Google’s own Search Plus Your World.
Google billionaires Eric Schmidt and Larry Page have decided to provide funding for an interesting space exploration start-up named Planetary Resources.
This approach to being found organically will help answer two critical questions: how do you know if you’re maximizing your SEO investment given the changes Google has introduced and how you can sell your services and prove value to your clients?
Mobile marketing is becoming more competitive and to increase app visibility, brands with a mobile strategy should strongly consider implementing optimization strategies for ranking and maintaining a user-base through social media.
“Web TV” bridges the gap between user generated content and professionally produced “premium” content and is exemplified by YouTube’s partner channel program. What possibilities await paid search in the territory this new style of content opens up?
In addition to introducing some new features to AdWords for video, YouTube is also creating an Ambassador program, providing an Advertiser Playbook, and giving away $50 million in free Google AdWords credits to get businesses into video advertising.