Archive for April, 2012

Twitter Helps Prove That Fame Isn’t Fleeting


Forget 15 minutes of fame. Google, eBay, and Berkeley University researches have concluded today’s stars don’t dim quite so quickly, thanks to sites like Twitter

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Modern Business and Content Guidance from Bell Labs


Posted by Kate Morris I've been reading The Idea Factory , the history of the innovation that came out of Bell Labs around WWII. Innovation, invention and ideas are things that we don't get to talk much about in SEO.

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Earth Day Google Doodle: Flowers Bloom in Animated Logo


Flowers are blooming on Google’s home page today. The Google Doodle celebrates Earth Day, which began in 1970 and continues to be observed yearly on April 22 to continue raising awareness about environmental issues in more than 190 countries

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Building a Good Link Profile: Measure Twice, Cut Once


Everyone’s link building plan should be unique. Don’t just look at link building as a tactical affair. You need to analyze your particular situation, devise a strategy, and then lay out the tactics that will help to get you where you want to be

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Google’s Home Grown Earth Day Logo


Most of the search engines have special logos for the day. Google and Yahoo’s logos are animated, Google has a JPG that rotates between images (like an animated GIF but not) to show the evolution of the growth

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33% of U.S. Consumers Use Social Media for Health Care Info [Survey]


For one-third of U.S. consumers recently surveyed, social media networks like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are a valuable source of medical information.

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Google Grew Their Own Earth Day Logo


Google has a special Earth Day logo that flips through the various cycles of the growth of flowers and plants over time. In fact, A Google Doodler named Jen planted and grew the logo, taking pictures over time, which made up today’s Earth Day logo for Google. Here is a video of the logo in..

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Facebook Ad Analytics Will Track More Than Clicks & Likes


Facebook’s new analytics are designed to make paid advertisers feel better about their spends. In the coming weeks, the social network’s Ads Manager dashboard will no longer simply be about how many click-throughs or Likes a paid promotion creates.

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Foursquare Paid Search Ads to Launch in June


Foursquare hopes to launch paid search during the next two months. Merchants will be able to promote check-in deals on the platform when users search for local specials, employing the same algorithms currently used on the app’s “Explore” tab.

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Google CEO: Android Not a Critical Asset


Google’s Android system isn’t “critical” to the company’s success, although it’s an “important” part of its future, according to testimony this week from Google CEO Larry Page as the company tries to defend itself in its legal battle with Oracle.

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