Archive for April, 2012

Display – PPC’s Not So New Neighbor


“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” Pablo Picasso I’ve written before about the issue of maximizing paid search and where to turn to next. Many advertisers understand that display advertising is an option

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Yahoo’s Q1 2012 Search Revenue Up 3%


Yahoo’s 2012 Q1 search revenue was $470 million, up 3 percent compared to the same quarter for the previous year. The company’s search sales have evidently steadied after falling 27 percent year-over-year in 2011 Q4 due to the Microsoft partnership

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Google Announces New Online Advertising Metrics


This morning, Google announced the new ‘Brand Activate’ advertising program, which will provide brands with useful metrics related to quantifying the benefits of online ad campaigns. Google is hopeful that the new Brand Activate program will entice marketers to reallocate money from traditional advertising methods to online advertising.

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Weekly Webinars and Upcoming Events 4/18/2012


There are a variety of conferences in the industry. I’d be happy to add a review or two each week regarding upcoming events. If you think they are a must attend or some constructive criticism, but sure to send them my way.

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Top 3 Excuses For Not Switching to the New Google Analytics – Debunked


Do you keep delaying the switch to the “new” Google Analytics? If so, you aren’t alone.

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Preparing For Google’s Over SEO Algorithm


Just about a month ago, Google’s head of web spam, Matt Cutts announced Google is going to release a new algorithm to target overly SEO’ed sites to “level the playing field” for the rest of the web…

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The Most Destructive Lie In Search Marketing


The biggest lie in search marketing is that paid and organic search are separate channels. From the customer’s perspective, paid and natural search are nearly identical.

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4 Key Recommendations For Social Media Execution In The Industrial Sector


Published earlier this year, GlobalSpec conducted its third annual Social Media Usage Survey of engineering, technical, manufacturing, and industrial professionals. While social media adoption is on the rise, more traditional social networks might be blocked or limited at the workplace, even if a… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Linking 2012 – Effective Link Building Techniques in 2012


With Google’s constant effort to improve their search results, their algorithm is evolving to better understand and compliment organic versus spam link building.

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Tell Us About Your Favorite Dashboard!


Posted by Karen Semyan One of the recent water cooler conversations around the Mozplex has been about dashboards. The question: What makes a great dashboard? We all use these top-level reports in various apps everyday, for professional and personal reasons, and some are better than others.

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