Archive for April, 2012

Microsoft-Yahoo Ad Transition Wrapping Up In UK, Ireland & France


Yahoo search users in the UK, Ireland and France will start to see ads from Microsoft’s adCenter next week, as the two companies wrap up the transition that began in 2009 with the MSFT-Yahoo search alliance. As part of the transition, search advertisers that are still on Yahoo’s..

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82% Of SEOs Don’t Trust Google Doesn’t Share Data For Search Rankings


About a month ago, we ran a poll asking Does Google Search Quality Use Data From Other Departments (i.e…

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A Beginner’s Guide to Conversion Goals in Google Analytics


There’s a reason that when companies call me about SEO, Paid Search, or Social Advertising, we always end up speaking about Analytics as well.  The reason is simple.  If you don’t have a rounded analytics strategy, then you won’t have a solid understanding of how your campaigns perform.  In addition, if you don’t have the Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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Poll Results: Social Required To Compete In Search Rankings


A few months ago, I ran a poll asking if it is required for SEOs to have their sites participate in social sharing elements in order to compete in the search results…

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Timing Your SEO Efforts to Rank During Traffic Peaks & Spikes


When you need to rank during seasonal trends, you must do your work before the peak. Riding the waves of search volume spikes is hard, but it can also be rewarding.

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How To Understand Keywords In Searcher Context


Is it possible for SEO professionals to understand searcher context based purely on keyword research data?

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Which Link Factors Did Google Turn Off? Survey Says…


About a month ago, Google announced they turned off certain link factors but didn’t say specifically which ones…

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Clickable’s Widget Dashboard: Expansion Into Cross-Channel Intelligence


Along with Google AdWords, it seems like the common denominator in every search marketer’s tool stack is Microsoft Excel. But for years, technology vendors in the search marketing industry have vowed to get us out of workbooks and have built workflow, analytics, and reporting tools aimed at doing… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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User Thoughts on Personalized Search [Infographic]


MDG Advertising’s inforgraphic Is Personalized Search Getting Too Personal? is based on the data from a study by Pew Research’s Internet and American Life Project that discussed what users perceive and believe about the impact of personalized search.

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adCenter to Add Broad Match Modifier


The adCenter product team is set to deliver an important improvements that will bring adCenter even closer to Google AdWords parity and improve your PPC results: broad match modifier. Here’s how to make the most out of it immediately.

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