U.S. Court of Appeals reverses an earlier decision that protected YouTube from damage claims under the safe harbour provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The ruling means another courtroom battle between Viacom and Google.
U.S. Court of Appeals reverses an earlier decision that protected YouTube from damage claims under the safe harbour provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The ruling means another courtroom battle between Viacom and Google.
Google’s taken flak over the past year from critics about how the company has been integrating actions such as booking flights or hotels into its search results. It’s also faced criticisms that it is leveraging its search dominance to build its Google+ social network.
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Yahoo In A Fight For Its Life According to Reuters on Tuesday next week the already embattled new Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson will lay out his vision for the… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article
Let me start by saying that SEJ wishes you a very happy and safe Easter weekend. Easter is just a few days away and decorating and coloring eggs can be a lot of fun.
With over 850 million users, businesses and web entrepreneurs are flocking to Facebook to acquire a social following of their own. However, until this week, Facebook did not have a good self service tool for managing advertising on their site.
SEOs and Webmasters will go to great lengths to try to get more traffic out of Google. One way to do that without increasing your search rankings is to make your existing listing in Google stand out…
Google will allow you to tag up to 1,000 ZIP codes within the U.S. using AdWords Location Targeting.
I believe that in today’s inbound marketing world, delivering quality blog content to your target market needs to be a top priority. Connecting with your target market through content will lead to more website traffic, a larger social following, in bound links to your site, long tail keyword traffic, and in the long run – Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal