Archive for April, 2012

Google Maps Traffic Estimates Even For Many Roads


Any person who knows their neighborhood well, knows which streets to avoid when driving around town. But for those who are just visiting or passing through, getting stuck on a bad road can be a costly mistake. Google has added estimated traffic predictions by day and time for even some of the most..

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Using Passive Link Building to Build Links with No Budget


Posted by CraigBradford Not everyone has massive budgets or time to invest in link building so this post is for all the people out there that need to find creative ways to get the highest ROI from any time they do invest in link building. I want to show you a process I use to get links without spending all day sending outreach emails or building expensive infographics; I call this passive link building.

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Facebook Search Engine Overhaul in Works


A former Google engineer is leading a team of two dozen Facebook engineers dedicated to creating an improved Facebook search engine that will make it easier for users to more easily find shared or liked articles, videos, and status updates.

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Google Analytics IQ Lessons Impossible To View


The Google Analytics Forum has several complaints about the Google Analytics IQ Lessons videos being way too hard to view.

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How to Take Screenshots with an iPad, Plus Editing Images with Photoshop App


I am going to explain how to take screenshots with iPads, iPhone and iPods and I am also going to show you how you can edit any image with these Apple products using the Adobe Photoshop Express App. The Adobe Photoshop Express App is outstanding because it allows you to edit images on the go Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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Will Yahoo Torch its Search Deal With Microsoft, Outsource Search to Google?


Yahoo will layoff thousands of employees starting this week as part of a major company restructuring. A report indicates Yahoo is also looking at possibly getting out of search altogether

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Simple Tips To Make Miracles Happen In Your PPC Campaigns


Last week, millions of Americans flocked to buy a Mega Millions lottery ticket or ten, each hoping for their own personal miracle. This strategy worked for all of three people. Yesterday, in their annual homage to the April 1st prankster’s holiday, Google announced the miracle of a new ad..

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Preparing for Link Armageddon


Many SEO’s have used blog and syndications networks at one time or another to take advantage of the controllable anchor text and ease of building links at the click of a button. These networks wouldn’t be so robust if SEO’s weren’t using them. The days of using them, however, are coming to an end as Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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April 2012 Google Webmaster Report


Here is our monthly recap of the changes made to Google that impact webmasters and SEO. Before we give the recap…

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Internal Linking, the Other Linking


In a search, where linking is all the rage, we forget that just as important are the links we maintain internally on our sites. A great inbound link profile is pointless if your site can hardly be traversed by a search engine or human visitor.

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