Archive for April, 2012

Should Potential Employers be Allowed to Ask an Interviewee for Their Facebook Password?


Social media is no longer confined to the Internet. It lives in our everyday lives – at home, and even in the work environment. As you may have heard by now, some employers are trying to take the integration of social media and the workplace a little too far.

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Almost 1 Of Every 5 Google Searches Shows Rel=Author In Top 100 Results, Study Shows


What began as an experiment 10 months ago is now showing up in nearly one of every five Google search results.

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Foursquare Marketing: Tools for Brands Looking to Tap in to Check-ins


it’s easy to see that Foursquare has clearly won out in the great location-based networking battle. So, what do marketers do if they’re not already using the platform? Likewise, how can those using Foursquare take things to the next level

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Online Marketing News: Mobile Shows Muscle, Google Likes Great Content, SU Reaches 25M Users, Google Drive(s) Storage


Mighty Trends in Mobile Marketing Every day we see mobile being used more and more for online shopping, local searches, email, social networking.

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6 Ways to Boost Your Rankings Using Google Authorship


Google authorship and Google+ already influence personalized search results – which can boost the rankings for your social connections. This opens huge opportunities for individuals and means Google may reward you for being an online authority.

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Mobile Forecast: Local Dominates Ad Spend


Location targeted ads represent under half of mobile ad dollars, growing to almost 2/3 by 2016. This measures mobile ads shown based on location, geo-modified search term, or those who have geographically relevant ad copy or calls to action.

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Penguin Update Peck Your Site By Mistake? Google’s Got A Form For That


Was your site hit by Google’s new Penguin Update that targets spam? Are you not guilty as charged?

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Google Webmaster Tools Expands Query Data to 90 Days


Today, Google has expanded the historical search query data to 90 days. The number of queries reported has increased as well: the report will now list the top 2,000 for each day of the selected date range (vs. the previous top 1,000).

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Google Sells SketchUp


Google has sold its collaborative 3D modeling tool and team to Trimble, a GPS provider. Google said SketchUp saw 30 million activations within the last year, according to a SketchUp blog post announcing the deal.

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