Archive for April, 2012

Daily Search Forum Recap: April 25, 2012


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, April 25, 2012


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Launches Update Targeting Webspam In Search Results Google has announced that it is releasing a new search algorithm that it hopes will better catch people… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Report: Microsoft Did Shop Bing To Facebook


You know that rumor about Microsoft shopping Bing to Facebook? It sparked lots of speculation about whether that would be a good move for both companies. Turns out it did happen, according to a report in the New York Times citing executives who made overtures to Facebook on behalf of Microsoft..

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New Google Search Algorithm Update Targets Web Spam


Google’s long anticipated over-optimization penalty is now live. Except Google called it an algorithmic update that’s targeting web spam – a.k.a., keyword stuffing and link schemes, in the process causing some big search ranking upheavals

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DNS Changer Malware: FBI Reports 300,000 Computers May Lose Web Access


In November of 2011, six Estonian nationals were arrested by the FBI for creating malware that infected computers worldwide. The malware, which was named DNS Changer, manipulated the user’s DNS settings and replaced the ISP’s good DNS servers with rogue DNS servers that were operated by the criminals. Since the criminals controlled the DNS servers, Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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Google Webmaster Tools Drops Features


Last night, Google announced on the Google Webmaster Center blog that they are removing three features from Google Webmaster Tools as part of their “spring cleaning efforts…

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Winners & Losers From Google’s Webspam Update


Yesterday, Google rolled out a new search algorithm it says should better prevent webspam from polluting its search results.

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PPC Salary Guide via Infographic


ONWARD search created a great infographic called PPC Jobs Salary Guide that breaks down the “best job markets, the most in-demand job titles, and salary ranges for PPC professionals“. The guide, for 20 cities, breaks down the saleries for the following jobs: Online Marketing Specialist PPC Specialist Account Manager Director of Internet Marketing PPC Analyst PPC Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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More (Local) Searches Coming From iOS Than Android — Study


Ad network Chitika, which regularly publishes findings from activity on its network, has released some data that show owners of iPhones and iPads search more than Android owners. This is a bit counter-intuitive and unexpected, given how prominent search and the search box are on the homescreen of..

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Webinar, Thursday, April 26: Display Audience Targeting


On Thursday, April 26, Noon EST, 9 AM PST – Join speaker Justin Merickel of Adobe Systems as he discusses how to use display targeting capabilities to attract more high-value customers. Register now! Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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