Archive for July, 2012

A Keyword Competitive Tool Based On Links & Anchors


This morning Majestic SEO launched a new tool to measure the competitive nature of a keyword or keyword phrase. The tool looks at the number of sites using that anchor text across the web as well as the title of the pages…

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Broken Promise: Google Retained Street View Data


On Friday, Google sent a letter to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) admitting that they had broken their 2010 promise to delete certain Street View data. The data, which included information related to users’ private email addresses, passwords, and web/picture search history, was illegally collected by the Google Street View vehicles from unprotected wireless networks.

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SEO is Easier With Keyboard Shortcuts


Becoming efficient with keyboard shortcuts can help you navigate the computer in such a way that it doesn’t compete with the real-time speed of SEO thought. Using these system and program shortcut tips will help save you some valuable time

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The Evolution of Guest Posting


For many SEOs, classic guest posting theory focused on getting posts, with links, placed on as mamy domains as possible. Instead of focusing on domain diversity, you may want to focus more on signals related to trustworthiness and authority.

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VeryPink Uses YouTube TrueView In-Search Ads to Reach Knitters for 3 Cents a View


Learn how one site has used YouTube to share charming instructional videos and cool knitwear patterns with needlecraft enthusiasts around the world and what it can teach small businesses about using online video content to reach out to customers.

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Internal Linking Strategies for 2012 and Beyond


Posted by dohertyjf Last Friday, I did a Whiteboard Friday called ” Smarter Internal Linking .” If you have not yet watched it (I do show some graphs and stuff, so you'll probably need to watch and not just listen), I'd recommend doing so first before reading the rest of this post.

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Google Lifts Ban On iAcquire; Company Blogs Of Being Reformed


iAcquire, banned by Google in late May after allegations of buying links for clients, has now has been restored to the Google index after two months. The company has blogged about the news and changes to its business model. iAcquire never says itself that it was banned over buying links for..

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Google, Bing, Ask & Other Logos For London 2012 Olympics Open Ceremony


Tonight, the summer Olympics are kicking off in London with the opening ceremony. To celebrate the day and also to inform users around the world about the event…

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