Archive for July, 2012

Google, Facebook & Amazon Quietly Forming Tech Lobbying Group?


Technology giants – and often arch rivals – Google, Facebook, and Amazon are expected to join forces to form a lobbying group known as the Internet Association (IA).

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Images, Status Updates, Videos Spur Most Brand Engagement [Report]


When it comes to social media, consumers are most likely to engage with branded content containing images (44 percent). A close 40 percent of people said they are likely to engage with Status Updates and 37 percent with videos, a new report finds.

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Smarter Internal Linking – Whiteboard Friday


Posted by dohertyjf Hey there SEOmoz readers! This week we are talking about what I like to call “Smarter Internal Linking”. Rand mentioned internal linking a few months ago before Penguin even hit, back when we were still calling it the “over-optimization penalty”.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: July 26, 2012


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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That’s a Wrap! Official Optimize Minneapolis Book Launch – Aria at the Jeune Lune


The Optimize Minneapolis Book Launch last night was a great success!  I would like to personally thank everyone in attendance for coming, interacting, and sharing your feedback about our event online. I had an opportunity to speak with most of the people in attendance and based on their stellar feedback it sounded like the #OptimizeBook event was just what they needed

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, July 26, 2012


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Now Allows You To Write Your Search Queries It started with typing your query, then voice queries, then image based queries and now Google announced you…

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Marketers Like Facebook, to the Tune of $1.18 Billion in Q2 2012 Revenue


Facebook just reported $1.18 billion in Q2 2012 revenue in their first reporting period as a public company. 70 percent of Facebook ad campaigns showed 3x or better ROI, and 49 percent of campaigns showed a return on ad spend of 5x or better

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Google Improves Content Experiments in Analytics


Google Analytics users now have access to several helpful and time-saving improvements to the content experiments tool.

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5 New Google Webmaster Hangouts On Friday


Google’s John Mueller announced on Google+ that there will be five different Google Webmaster related hangouts tomorrow on Google+. Google Webmaster Hangouts are where Googlers or top contributors host and answer webmaster related questions…

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