Archive for September, 2012

Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: September 28, 2012


This week I covered how Google Maps App lead designer was so upset with Apple Maps first attempt. Google said penalties might not result in ranking downgrade. Don’t submit multiple reconsideration requests.

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Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: September 28, 2012


This week I covered how Google Maps App lead designer was so upset with Apple Maps first attempt. Google said penalties might not result in ranking downgrade. Don’t submit multiple reconsideration requests.

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Friday Humor: #NFL Replacement Refs


This year’s NFL season has been a raucous series of events courtesy of the replacement refs who have managed to turn NFL into both a tragic and comical sports event in TV history. The idea of putting replacement refs on NFL is like throwing gasoline on pretentious fire. We pity all of you who have

Posted in SEO No Comments » Partners with Yahoo! Bing to Provide Context Ads


The doors are now open to a fresh supply of targeted contextual ads for web publishers from the Yahoo! Bing Network.  Thanks to a partnership with, web publishers can now create and customized highly relevant, targeted contextual advertising units for their websites from among the ads running on the Yahoo! Bing Network. Here are

Posted in SEO No Comments » Partners with Yahoo! Bing to Provide Context Ads


The doors are now open to a fresh supply of targeted contextual ads for web publishers from the Yahoo! Bing Network.  Thanks to a partnership with, web publishers can now create and customized highly relevant, targeted contextual advertising units for their websites from among the ads running on the Yahoo! Bing Network.

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Apple CEO On Maps To Customers: “Sorry” & Try Google, Bing, MapQuest Or Others


Apple CEO Tim Cook has issued a letter apologizing for the current mediocrity of Apple Maps. The letter is striking in a couple of ways.

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Apple CEO On Maps To Customers: “Sorry” & Try Google, Bing, MapQuest Or Others


Apple CEO Tim Cook has issued a letter apologizing for the current mediocrity of Apple Maps. The letter is striking in a couple of ways.

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Apple CEO On Maps To Customers: “Sorry” & Try Google, Bing, MapQuest Or Others


Apple CEO Tim Cook has issued a letter apologizing for the current mediocrity of Apple Maps. The letter is striking in a couple of ways.

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Why Clean Source Tagging Is Worth Your Time


Messy, incomprehensible analytics make my stomach churn. Just knowing that I’m going to spend the next several hours cleaning up sloppy data puts the kibosh on my day. The problem with Google Analytics, or any analytics package for that matter, is that even if my site is properly tagged and I’ve…

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7 Themes of #DF12Gamification


With JP Rangaswami, SalesForce Chief Scientist Before the themes, we should discuss what Gamification is and isn’t Salesforce regards Gamification as an engagement tool and defines it as: “The use of game design techniques, game thinking, and game mechanics to enhance non-game contexts. This type of gaming convention is familiar to the new generation of

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