Archive for February, 2013

Live @ SMX West: Converting The Mobile Customer


As many pundits predicted, the number of people accessing the internet via mobile devices has exploded.

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Social Media Curation Guide


Posted by gfiorelli1 Last year on SEOmoz, I published The Content Curation Guide for SEO , which – even though it is still valid – I thought it needed a fresh addition. Not only does this post update some of the information shared, but it also digs deeper into an aspect of content curation that is actually the most used and, possibly, useful to SEOs and Content Marketers who must deal with more duties than just curation: social media curation.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: February 27, 2013


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, February 27, 2013


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the Web. From Search Engine Land: Gmail Search Field Trial Adds Calendar Results To Google Search Google keeps increasing the amount of information it will show from your Gmail account within your… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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100 Million Actively Use #Instagram Every Month


Yesterday, Instagram Co-founder, Kevin Systrom, announced that the photo sharing app is now in the hands of 100 million active monthly users.  The company has come a long way in a very short time

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Google AdSense White Space Issue


A WebmasterWorld thread has a bunch of Google AdSense publishers complaining that certain Google AdSense ad units are resulting in the ad spots having way too much white space…

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Five Steps to SEO-Friendly Site URL Structure


Some people say there is no such thing as SEO-friendly URL structure. They claim that search engines are perfectly capable of making sense of any type of URL and pretty much any URL structure

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Gmail Search Field Trial Adds Calendar Results To Google Search


Google keeps increasing the amount of information it will show from your Gmail account within your Google searches, if you’re part of the Gmail Search Field Trial. The latest addition? Your calendar results

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Privacy Vs Censorship: Google, Spanish Government Face Off In European Courts


In a test case that could have significant implications for Google throughout Europe the company faced off against the Spanish data protection authority in the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg. One could frame the case as “privacy vs.

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Huge Site SEO: Optimizing for the Long, Long Tail


The biggest obstacle in my search for SEO nirvana has been the lack of an industry blog focused on huge site SEO. When I hear people talk about dealing with 1,000 pages as if it is a lot, I cry a little on the inside. They don’t know how good they have it.

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