Archive for February, 2013

The Warriors Way: 5 Ways to Improve Engagement As an Email Marketing Ninja


Striking down opponents with your ninja marketing skills can provide a sense of satisfaction that many marketers crave.  However, there is danger in focusing all of your efforts on the front end of the customer buying cycle.

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How to Make Video a Successful Part of Your Content Marketing Strategy


When developing your video strategy, it’s important to ask yourself what you’re looking to gain from it. Start by defining your approach and establishing if your goals are realistic and attainable. Do you want to go viral or improve your site’s SEO

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11 Ways You Can Enrich Your #SESLON Social Experience


Want to meet the right people and attend the right sessions during SES London? Meet Vivastream – the official social platform of SES

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Stop Clicking Here! 7 Superior SEO Alternatives to Generic Links


Posted by Cyrus Shepard Ove the past year, we've seen a strange trend develop in the world of SEO: the rise of the “generic link.” Generic links are bland phrases that avoid using keywords that search engines use to determine the context of what you are linking to.

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Flickr Shared My Private Photos With Everyone


Saturday, I received an incredibly disturbing email from the Vice President of Flickr Brett Wayn. He informed me that my private photos on Flickr were available for anyone in the world to see…

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Bill Gates On Google: “Bing Is The Better Product”


It’s been more than four years since Bill Gates worked full-time at Microsoft, but he’s still promoting Bing, the company’s 3+-year-old search engine. Gates, who’s still serving as Microsoft’s non-executive chairman but is focused full-time today on the Bill &… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Financial Analyst Affirms Google’s $1 Billion In “Default Search” Payments To Apple


Last year the FTC asked Apple to disclose the terms of Google’s “default” search presence on iOS.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: February 11, 2013


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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NASA Google+ Hangout Features Astronauts on International Space Station


NASA has broadcast live onboard many of its space vehicles, with astronauts giving tours of spacecraft and answering questions, but this will be the first time NASA conducts such an event using multiple forms of social media to solicit questions.

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