Archive for February, 2013

Search Engine Land’s SMX West comes to San Jose in 2 Weeks – Register Today!


Attend SMX West and get expert insights and real-world-proven tactics that yield results instantly.

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Measuring Your Link Building with Google Analytics


Learn how to use Advanced Segments to your advantage, Multi-Channel Funnels for improved attribution figures, campaign tagging for easier analysis, and how to easily use the API for exporting and combining data. Plus: a free custom report.

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The Hidden Google Search Box


It seems as if Google is testing hiding the search box completely from the Google search results page. A post in a Google+ Community by Tom Johns spotted this first. He said he was using a beta version of Chrome, and when he searched, the only way to submit a search query at Google was Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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SES New York Keynote Speaker Says Internet is TV’s Best Friend


According to Mike Proulx, the Internet has become TV’s best friend. Proulx, the opening keynote speaker at SES New York 2013, will explain how you can reach and engage audiences by connecting TV to the web, social media, and mobile.

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The Link Shrink Is In: Is Starting Over The Best Option?


We just came upon the two year anniversary of what came to be known as the Google Panda Update.

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Matt Cutts: 301 Redirects Dilute PageRank Equally To Normal Links


Back about three years ago, we covered an interview between Google’s Matt Cutts and Eric Enge of Stone Temple Consulting where we thought we learned that 301 Redirects Do Not Pass Full PageRank & Link Value. The truth is, they do not pass full PageRank but nor does normal links..

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Facebook’s Graph Search and Google+ for Social: Does One Have to Prevail?


Facebook and Google have been seen as separate online necessities for quite some time, but it seems as though both companies are beginning to close that gap. Facebook is becoming more search oriented with the announcement of the Facebook Graph (currently in Beta testing), and Google is becoming more socially oriented as Google+ begins to Author information Amanda DiSilvestro Amanda DiSilvestro gives small business and entrepreneurs SEO advice ranging from keyword density to recovering from Panda and Penguin updates.

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3 Major Tablet & Smartphone Search Opportunities For Multinational Websites


Looking back at 2012 statistics for smartphone usage & tablet sales figures paints a picture of significant multinational SEO opportunity in 2013. Here are three key SEO opportunities for 2013 and how to take advantage of them. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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5 Social Media Marketing Strategies for eCommerce Websites in the Year Ahead


Social media has revolutionized the way we use the internet, and how we consume information. Consumers are no longer the silent majority, and media companies are no longer the gatekeepers of information.

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18 Social & Local Marketing Ideas Based on the Consumer Journey


These simple local and social search strategies are relatively simple to implement and should help you improve marketing performance. All these ideas are based around the consumer pathway; a 7-step process which sits at the root of marketing theory

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