Archive for March, 2013

Google’s April Fools’ Day 2013 Joke-A-Thon: YouTube Shutdown, Google Nose & More


April Fool’s Day is pretty much like a national … err, international holiday for everyone that works for Google. It seems that nobody else on the web takes the tradition of pranks and jokes as seriously as Google does — just see our coverage from the last few April Fool’s… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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SEO Outreach: Gain a Competitive Edge by Running Display Ads


Certain companies can generate high-quality, extremely relevant prospecting lists with the click of a button. How? Most display networks provide transparency into ad placements that you can use as the backbone of outreach campaigns for SEO programs

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On Easter Google Honors The Life Of Cesar Chavez With Logo


If you visit Google today, on Easter Sunday, you will see a logo for Cesar Chavez. Cesar Chavez who died in 1993 would have been 86 years old today.

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How to Consistently Write 1000 Words a Day


One of the secrets of the most successful bloggers is that they are prolific. Writing 1000 words a day is like brushing their teeth.

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The Big List Of Google Easter Eggs


Google is well-known for its lighter side, including things like whimsical logos, april fools’ gags and more.

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SMX West 2013 – A Few Takeaways


I love conference time. It’s a great way to get together with industry friends, acquaintances, and meet many new people

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Google Blocks The Word UnGoogleable In Sweden


Sweden added the word “ungoogleable” to its list of new words but was then forced to remove the word because of Google legal requests.

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Google Analytics Real Time Gets Four New Features


I personally love Google Analytics Real Time reporting but now I love it a bit more. Google announced they added four new features to their real time Analytics…

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Really Google? Google Shopping Express?


So it appears Google is now going to compete against Walmart, Amazon…

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