Archive for June, 2013

Matt Cutts As Moses In SEO’s Ten Commandments


I am not sure that Matt Cutts will enjoy this too much but hey, if you ever see him at an SEO convention, it may appear as if he is a god…

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Google’s Cutts: Dropping ~ Operator Gives Us More Space To Index More Pages


Tuesday we reported that Google quietly dropped the ~tilde operator due to lack of use. The operator helped searches find synonymous, a form of expanding your query.

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78% of a Brand’s Facebook Fans Are Already Customers [Study]


Why do people become fans of a brand on Facebook? A new study reveals that a majority are customers of a brand. Other motivators include discounts and contests, but the data suggests these fans are not worth as much to a brand in the long run

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3 Types of Business Research To Develop A Better Content Marketing Plan


“Stop writing about everything.

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Local Business Reviews Read By 85% of Consumers [Survey]


When searching for local businesses, 85 percent of consumers say they read online reviews. And many people go beyond the first review – 60 percent read between two and six online reviews to help form an opinion, according to a new BrightLocal survey

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IgnitionOne: Mobile PPC Spend Sees Triple-Digit Growth, Retailer Spend Jumps 18% In Q2


Paid search spend in the US increased 7 percent year-over-year in Q2 2013, according to IgnitionOne’s latest Digital Marketing Report.

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Google Simplifies Process to Link AdWords, Analytics


If you’ve had problems integrating your Google AdWords and Google Analytics accounts together, you’re in luck. Google is offering better support in order for advertisers and users of Google Analytics to link their accounts together.

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What’sThe One Thing That Keeps Searchers From Converting On Your Site?


There is an insidious voice speaking to your visitors from the moment they click through to your site. It camps in the back of their minds, setting up a tent and proceeding to talk your visitors out of taking action. While there are many angles this voice can work to fill visitors with doubt, there..

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The Power of Influence in Content Marketing


With 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created every day, marketers are challenged to stand out amongst the sheer volume of information confronting their target audience.

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