Archive for June, 2013

Interview with Pierre Zarokian on Reputation Management for Small Business by @murraynewlands


In the mid-90s, while developing a search engine for a yellow pages company, Pierre Zarokian became interested in how search engines determined their rankings, eventually starting a search engine submission and optimization company. He founded Submit Express in 1998, right around when Google was launched.

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A 3 Step Shortcut to Earn Mindshare in Record Time by @DholakiyaPratik


We all know that clients want to see swift, measurable results, and that they’re likely to drop you if they don’t see something within half a year or so.

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Thank You Cards From Google AdSense


As you know, Google AdSense turned ten years old the other week and they are celebrating. What you may not know is that Google sent some publishers thank you cards for being with them for 10 years

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Google’s Cutts: Add User Satisfaction Poll To Your Site


Google’s Matt Cutts reshared a post on Google+ about Google consumer surveys adding a free feature for publishers to add code to their site to poll their website visitors if they like the pages…

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Want To Speak @ SMX Milan? Here’s How


The agenda is live, and we’re now accepting submissions to speak at Search Marketing Expo – SMX Milan, November 7-8, 2013, at the MiCo – Milan Congress Center. We’re looking for both Italian and English speakers – all conference sessions will be translated in real-time.

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, June 26, 2013


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the Web. From Search Engine Land: Study: Google Local Carousel Results Win 48% Of Clicks, While Only 14.5% Of Clicks Were On The Map When using heatmaps to gauge interest levels for Google Local… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Daily Search Forum Recap: June 26, 2013


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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Daily Search Forum Recap: June 26, 2013


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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Most Valuable Ecommerce Customers Come from Organic Search [Study]


Custora collected data from 86 U.S.

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Most Valuable Ecommerce Customers Come from Organic Search [Study]


Custora collected data from 86 U.S.

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