Archive for June, 2014

Some Signs Of A Possible Google Update This Weekend


Many of the tracking tools show signs of a possible Google update on Saturday, June 21st, the first day of summer. But truth is, there is very little chatter in the discussion forums. I’ve seen one thread at BlackHatWorld about maybe SAPE links getting hit again or maybe Payday loan really rolling out this time

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BuzzSumo: The Heavyweight of Content Discovery?


BuzzSumo trawls the web for content based on search queries, and provides you with lots of interesting data based on your results. Here’s why BuzzSumo is such an awesome tool and why you should make it a part of your Internet marketing arsenal.

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How Content Quality Analysis Works With SEO


The Periodic Table of SEO Ranking Factors panel at the recent SMX Advanced show stimulated some fresh thinking for me on the role of content analysis and SEO. In particular, Marcus Tober of Searchmetrics shared some interesting data from one of their latest studies. What I’d like to discuss…

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7 Outstanding Content Marketing Tips for Small Businesses


Content marketing is now a required component of SEO. And it works by engaging new and existing audiences, and encouraging sharing.

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Why and How to Maximize Your Content Shareability by @cognitiveSEO


You’ve decided to pour your knowledge and creativity into content to build brand awareness for yourself or the organization you work for. Although you are going in the right direction, this is only the first step towards becoming a recognized voice in your niche. The Internet is such a vast place, and many writers get lost in the noise, even with really good content.

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Links Should Only Be a Surprise? Nonsense!


Bing’s Duane Forrester says “You want links to surprise you.” But these links are only possible if your site already has some visibility. Without link building, the pursuit of relevant and authoritative links, attracting visibility is difficult.

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7 Ways Content Marketing is Like a Relay Race


Just as you wouldn’t typically up and run any type of race without some training, the same preparation is required to execute effective content marketing. Here are seven content marketing takeaways learned from running a relay race

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Curation and Repurposing to Extend the Life of Your Content Marketing


Ever have one of those dreams where you’re running a race and if you don’t win, you’ll turn into a big blue chicken?

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How to Identify a Bad Guest Blogging Site with Eight Questions by @neilpatel


Guest blogging has its pitfalls and its advantages, both of which are obvious.

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Quintessential Seattle Places to Visit During #MozCon 2014


Posted by EricaMcGillivray We’re gearing up for all of you to land in Seattle for

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