Archive for June, 2014

Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: June 20, 2014


Lots of topics to cover this week, starting with the trouble Microsoft got in over a sponsored post campaign for Internet Explorer.

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Google Updates Shopping Feed Requirements


Google yesterday announced new shopping feed requirements. Google’s new feed specifications include updates to mobile links, bundle attributes, availability specification changes, and changes to apparel identifiers. Here’s what’s changing

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Want To Future-Proof Your SEO? 6 Ethical Guidelines To Consider


Ethical SEO is a popular selling point for agencies and consultants, but what truly constitutes ethical SEO? Following are some guidelines for performing ethical SEO. By sticking to these guidelines, you’ll keep your reputation, your clients, and the search engines happy! 1.

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How To Promote An E-Book Launch With A Be Everywhere Day


It’s no secret e-book launches are usually boring, and oftentimes dreadfully so. This is because, well, it’s hard to be creative with yet another PDF launch — especially if you’re in a saturated market

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Search In Pics: Female GoogleBot, Twitter’s London Office & Pandas On Google Maps


In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more. Google Maps With Hundreds Of Pandas: Source: Google+ Twitter’s New UK… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Video: Matt Cutts Interview At SMX Advanced On Payday Loan, Reconsideration Requests & Metafilter


Here is the video from last week’s SMX Advanced last week with Matt Cutts and Danny Sullivan…

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PPC Budget Forecasting 101


As pay-per-click professionals, we’re often asked to play with our numbers, shift our budgets, and essentially predict the future. A daunting task, for sure. Here’s a simple walk-through on how to answer those tough budgeting questions from clients

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LinkedIn Beefs Up Their Job Search Resume With The Addition Of A New Standalone IPhone App


It’s true, LinkedIn has become a leader in the job search space with their Talent Solutions offerings pulling in 275.9 million dollars in Q1 this year. To futher their foothold, LinkedIn has launched a new stand alone job app for the iPhone dubbed LinkedIn Job Search

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The Feature Google Killed The + Command For — Direct Connect — Is Now Dead


Cast your mind back to November 2011, only a few months after the launch of Google+. That’s when Google made one of its biggest Google+ification moves. It demoted a long-standing search feature involving the plus symbol so that searchers could instead more easily reach new “Google+..

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6 Reasons for Your Lack of Content Marketing Success


If you’ve invested a lot of energy and money into content marketing and the results aren’t meeting expectations, perhaps the reasons that led to this failure are apparent. If not, here are six possible explanations for your content marketing woes

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