Archive for June, 2014

5 Changes You Need to Make for Google Shopping in the Next 2 Months


Retailers are running out of time to switch to Google Shopping Campaigns. Follow this timeline to ensure your campaign is built out and tested before the August deadline, and follow these steps for a smooth transition to Shopping Campaigns.

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Quick Tips: Make These Other Types of Content Your Marketing Bread and Butter by @highervis


There is life outside of your company blog. Traditional content is great, but you must embrace content in many different forms to be successful.

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Essential Q and A on the Value of Content Marketing


Content Marketing Sage or Ice Giant? In advance of the Content Marketing Conference Europe event last week, Maaike Gulden did an interview with me to surface some essential advice about improving content marketing

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Google Maps Pokémon Winners Get Awards: It Is…


Remember the Google Maps Pokémon Challenge on April Fools Day?

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WordPress Takes A Stand Against Abuse Of DMCA Takedown Requests by @mattsouthern


Torrentfreak reported yesterday that  WordPress has issued a lawsuit demanding $10,000 in compensation to cover damages suffered through a false DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown notice. WordPress is taking a stand against copyright holders who abuse the DMCA takedown process.

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Google Glass Explorers We Knew We’d Be Mocked By The Daily Show


As you may have seen by now, Google Glass Explorers were on The Daily Show, in a segment named Glass Half Empty. In short, it severely mocks Google Glass owners who were physically targeted for wearing Google Glass..

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Feeding the Hummingbird: Structured Markup Isn’t the Only Way to Talk to Google


Posted by Cyrus-Shepard I used to laugh at the idea of Hummingbird optimization. In a recent poll, Moz asked nearly 300 marketers which Google updated affected their traffic the most

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Daily Search Forum Recap: June 16, 2014


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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SearchCap: Google’s Detailed Reconsideration Requests, Yandex Block Referrer & New AdWords Policy Center


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

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