Recently, both Bing and Google announced some changes to mobile advertising that you need to be aware of and react to within your PPC campaigns.
Recently, both Bing and Google announced some changes to mobile advertising that you need to be aware of and react to within your PPC campaigns.
Quotes are always re-shared like crazy. This is one of those things that’s almost sure to work no matter how many times you do it. Quotes never get old.
Precognitive Marketing, neural interfaces to marketing dashboards, Google cranial implants – is this science fiction or is it the future of B2B marketing? Maybe a bit of both! These and many more insights (of the predictive and practical kind) can be found in our latest eBook, The Future of B2B Marketing as part of our promotions for MarketingProfs B2B Forum
Today’s Google logo marks the first day of the Autumnal Equinox with an animated doodle of trees that go from grey to branches filled with Fall-colored leaves dropping to reveal Google’s name. The logo is being served to most of Google’s Northern Hemisphere homepages, while… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article
I’ve been fortunate enough to be a part of some amazing companies such as Facebook, Mint and now (including our latest products: and Collectively, these companies have reached nearly 1.5 billion people, and each has taught me many marketing methods that are extremely effective. Here are the 10 most important marketing lessons I’ve learned along the way
There’s a lot of bad information floating around the Web pertaining to link-building. Even on the official Google webmaster forums. You owe it to yourself to read and understand the link scheme section of the webmaster guidelines.
Back in April, I wrote an article on Search Engine Journal that explained how to optimize a website to rank for multiple locations. Having worked for a company with over 45 independently owned locations across the country, I figured multi-location SEO would be a solid topic to write about because it was something that I was familiar with and it seemed like a topic many business owners would find useful
Google announced on Google+ that their free and very useful smartphone navigation app, Google Maps, has expanded to an additional 19 countries…
Last week comScore released its August US search market share rankings report. It appears Google has permanently plateaued at 67 percent (or so). In Europe Google’s share is above 90 percent, which is why all the antitrust activity.