Archive for October, 2014

What SEOs Need to Know About Topic Modeling & Semantic Connectivity – Whiteboard Friday


Posted by randfish Search engines, especially Google, have gotten remarkably good at understanding searchers’ intent—what we mean to search for, even if that’s not exactly what we search for. How in the world do they do this?

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Daily Search Forum Recap: October 30, 2014


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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Can Groupon Break Into the Search Market?


Groupon’s new search feature is a Yelp-like directory of business pages with contact info, user reviews, deals, and a goal of engaging you to spend more time on Groupon’s website.

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SearchCap: Duane Forrester No Longer With Bing, Animated GIFs In Bing Images & Paid Search Roundup


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: The Economic Impact of SEO Media Services- November 6 Webcast Using an outside expert resource for global SEO and earned media services can make your search… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Google AdSense To Google Analytics Linking Updated


Google said they’ve simplified the linking process between your Google AdSense accounts and Google Analytics reporting. Google said “you can link your AdSense account within Google Analytics in fewer steps and can also link your AdSense account to multiple Google Analytics accounts..

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The Economic Impact of SEO Media Services- November 6 Webcast


Using an outside expert resource for global SEO and earned media services can make your search marketing campaigns a valuable investment. But how do you justify the cost to your management?

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SPONSOR MESSAGE: Guide to Social Advertising 2014


Social advertising challenges a brand to think differently about both social engagement and advertising.

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Bing Images Adds Animated GIF Filter


Bing announced there is a new filter within Bing Images to let you only see animated GIF images. Animated GIFs are a grouping of images that may appear as a movie but are just a series of images

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Duane Forrester, Bing’s Long-Time Webmaster Outreach Manager, Loses Job In Microsoft Layoffs


Duane Forrester, the senior product manager in charge of webmaster outreach for Bing, has lost his job as part of the recently announced layoffs at Microsoft. The move leaves Bing without one of its longest-serving and recognizable faces to the SEO and publisher community.

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Microsoft Undergoes Restructuring, Top Bing Positions Eliminated by @mattsouthern


Duane Forrester broke the news on his personal blog this morning that Microsoft is in the midst of restructuring several divisions within the company, which has directly affected the Bing division. Several Bing employees, including Forrester who had been with the company for 7 years, were laid off as a result of their positions being eliminated. Microsoft announced changes within the structures of several groups in the company

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