Archive for November, 2014

SearchCap: King Of The United States, Break Up Google Conflict & More


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: German Legislator Calling For Google Breakup Has Serious Conflict Of Interest The German member of the European Parliament behind the call to break up Google,… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Google: If Your Hidden Content Is Relevant To Users, Don’t Hide It From Them.


Sometimes I just laugh reading the advice Googlers have to give webmasters.

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Skyscanner Boosts Mobile, Customization Capabilities


With its new DataArt partnership, global travel search engine Skyscanner for Business is focusing on becoming more user-friendly and more mobile-friendly.

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Break Up Google? US Say No, EU Says Yes.


Let me quickly catch you up on the timeline on this story. The European Parliament wants to draft a proposal to force Google to break the company up into multiple parts because of its alleged anti-trust practices, according to Reuters…

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Doing It Dave’s Way: 6 #Marketing Lessons From The Founder of Wendy’s #SEJBookClub by @dantosz


For the November edition of #SEJBookClub, we read “Dave’s Way”, written by Wendy’s founder and spokesperson Dave Thomas. The book was originally published in 1991 and chronicles Dave’s life through his childhood, military service, and all the way through building his very successful company. Although Dave passed away in 2002, his legacy is still going strong.

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Quality Content Essential for SEO Success [Study]


In order to capture as much search share as possible in 2015, SEOs need to be creating engaging, quality content.

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How To Get More Publicity For Your Business: Interviews With Two Experts by @johnrampton


At Pubcon 2014 in Las Vegas, I had the opportunity to catch up with two experts on PR and getting publicity: John Boitnott of Inc Magazine, and Lisa Buyer of The Buyer Group. One is a reporter and the other is the CEO of a PR agency. If you have been trying to get coverage on major news outlets but haven’t seen much success so far, you’re going to want to watch the interviews below for the best tips.

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Where Brand Journalism and Native Advertising Can Fit Within Content Marketing


Over the past year the discussions about what content marketing is and isn’t as well as the role of content within marketing and PR functions of a business have been interesting to watch. Especially the discussions around whether brand journalism and native advertising fits in the content marketing mix. Here’s my take on it.

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German Legislator Calling For Google Breakup Has Serious Conflict Of Interest


The German member of the European Parliament behind the call to break up Google, Andreas Schwab, has a conflict of interest. According to the NY Times, he has ties to and earns money from a German law firm that represents anti-Google publishing interests in Germany

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How To Write A Meta Description That Gets Click-Throughs


I feel sorry for meta descriptions. Google has long held that meta descriptions do not impact search engine rankings. From a 2007 post on the Google Webmaster Central Blog: Google reiterated this point yet again in 2009 in a post stating that the meta keywords tag was not used as a ranking signal:..

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