Archive for May, 2015

Inge Lehmann Google Logo Marks 127th Birthday Of Woman Who Discovered Earth’s Inner Core


She was the first woman to receive a William Bowie medal – the highest honor awarded by the American Geophysical Union. The post Inge Lehmann Google Logo Marks 127th Birthday Of Woman Who Discovered Earth’s Inner Core appeared first on Search Engine Land

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Google: UX Will Never Be More Important Than Content For Ranking


Google’s Gary Illyes is at SMX Sydney now and hours ago he has said some things that turned some SEO heads…

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Google: Just To Be Clear, There Is No Desktop UX Ranking Factor


We know the bulk, if not all, of the Google mobile friendly algorithm is based on the user experience of the mobile site, so UX is a ranking factor on mobile. But when it comes to desktop…

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Google Search Analytics Update Line Now Explained


Last week, Google launched the Search Analytics report to all users but there were these two vertical lines that read “update” in the analytics chart that people had no clue what it meant.

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Inverse Document Frequency and the Importance of Uniqueness


Posted by EricEnge In my last column, I wrote about how to use term frequency analysis in evaluating your content vs. the competition’s. Term frequency (TF) is only one part of the TF-IDF approach to information retrieval

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SearchCap: Google UX Not On Desktop, Link Building & Keyword Research


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. The post SearchCap: Google UX Not On Desktop, Link Building & Keyword Research appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: May 12, 2015


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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Google Steps on Map Maker Edits After Android Urination Incident


A peeing Android is probably not welcome back on Google turf.

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Periscope Uncouples Itself From Twitter, Twitter Account No Longer Required by @mattsouthern


An update to Twitter’s iOS live streaming app, Periscope, introduces the ability for users to sign in without the need for a Twitter account. Previously, in order to use Periscope you had to sign in via Twitter. Now you can create an account on Periscope using your phone number, and get access to all of its features without the need to link your Twitter account.

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How Many Labels Can One Add To Their Google AdWords Account?


For all you serious Google AdWords advertisers, I spotted an advanced question in the Google AdWords Help forum I don’t think I’ve seen mentioned before our the maximum number of labels

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