Archive for May, 2015

What We Learned From These 15 Epic Social Media Fails by @albertcostill


Before your work on your social media campaign, here are fifteen social media fails from 2014 and what we learned as a result. The post What We Learned From These 15 Epic Social Media Fails by @albertcostill appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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Google Hamburg View


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Google Takes Down Map Maker After Embarrassing Google Maps Hacks


After several very embarrassing Google Maps hacks including Edwards Snow Den right on the White House and Android relieving itself on Apple – Google has decided to temporarily suspend the automated process behind using Map Maker to edit Google Maps…

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Facebook is Testings its Own In-App Search Engine, A Possible Threat to Google by @mattsouthern


Facebook is testing its own in-app search engine, which TechCrunch reports is now live for a select test group of users. This search engine is capable of crawling the web and retrieving content for Facebook users without the need for them to visit Google.

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You Finally Achieved Content Virality! Now What?


Posted by Isla_McKetta If you’ve ever achieved the holy grail of content marketing success—true virality—you know the rush of endorphins as you watch the share count climb. You’ve smiled the enormous grin when one of your friends shares that piece on Facebook without any idea that you helped create it . Maybe you’ve even felt the skin-chilling prickle when Buzzfeed picks up your content.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: May 11, 2015


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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SearchCap: Google Map Maker Suspended, Uber & Nokia HERE & Mom’s Day


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. The post SearchCap: Google Map Maker Suspended, Uber & Nokia HERE & Mom’s Day appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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Sharpen Your Edge With Workshops At SMX Advanced


Everyone attending SMX Advanced expects (and gets) an intensive two-day experience learning cutting edge tactics and techniques conducted by the foremost experts and thought leaders in the industry. Take the experience to the next level, by attending one of the full-day immersive workshops covering…

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Google Mobile Showing Desktop Interface For Some?


As we get more and more use to viewing web sites specifically rendered for the mobile view on our devices, seeing large sites not support it is very upsetting to mobile users. In fact, Google has told us there are more mobile searches than desktop searches in the US…

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Facebook "Add a Link" Feature to Rival Google


According to recent reports, Facebook is using its massive index of shared posts to allow users to add links to updates without using search engines like Google.

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