Archive for May, 2015

B2C Mobile Marketing Tips to Strike Marketing Gold


Confession: I am an email junkie. Ok, more accurately, I have is a strong appreciation for a well-crafted email campaign. My favorite types of emails to receive are on the topics of digital marketing, apparel and food.

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The Twitch Phenomenon: Why Live Streaming Is Worth Your Time


Posted by troy.evans It’s safe to say that streaming video content online is quickly becoming the most accessible way to consume entertainment. The way we enjoy our favorite movies and television shows has been increasingly shifting towards uninterrupted (and possibly unhealthy) periods of ‘binge watching’.

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5 Expert Tips That Will Get You On the Road to Conversion by @markjohnh


Who doesn’t love road trips? Here are expert tips that will get you on the road to conversion. The post 5 Expert Tips That Will Get You On the Road to Conversion by @markjohnh appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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8 Pieces of Insight From #SEJSummit London Speakers by @wonderwall7


Only 11 more days until SEJ Summit London! This London marketing conference is going to be the bee’s knees, and we really hope you’ll join us. We still have a few FREE tickets available for this event, held at the Ham Yard Hotel

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Ready, Set, Pin! Buffer Announces Pinterest Partnership by @thebigdebowski


Buffer just announced this past week that they’ve officially partnered with Pinterest to make it even easier to pin consistently, measure your progress, and set your own course for Pinterest success. Buffer Awesome and Buffer for Business customers can now post and schedule to Pinterest, in addition to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.

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‘What Should I Post on Facebook?’ 12 Facebook Tactics Working Right Now by @courtneyseiter


If you feel challenged by Facebook marketing these days, you’re not alone. Here are 12 tactics to take a look at adding to your Facebook marketing toolbox. The post ‘What Should I Post on Facebook?’ 12 Facebook Tactics Working Right Now by @courtneyseiter appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Did Google News Adjust Their Search Ranking Algorithm?


Over the past week or so, I’ve been seeing random complaints in the Google News Help forum, I linked to one, but there are others…

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Google Now Custom Voice Action Now Live


In November, Google announced custom voice actions for Google Now, which means you can integrate your app content directly into Google Now. So if you want, you can enable Google’s “Okay Google” voice action with your apps voice actions to trigger it to work with your app..

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Official: Google Mobile Friendly Algorithm Fully Rolled Out But…


A lot of people are wondering if the Google Mobile Friendly Algorithm is fully rolled out yet, the answer to that is yes. Google’s mobile friendly algorithm is fully rolled out according to Gary Illyes of Google.

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