Archive for November, 2015

Google Is Testing A Car Loan Calculator Quick Answer Box


Google is testing a car loan tool. Will we soon see new ads where Google helps you buy or finance your new car? The post Google Is Testing A Car Loan Calculator Quick Answer Box appeared first on Search Engine Land

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8 Creative Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog with Facebook by @thebigdebowski


Beyond posting when a new article goes live, how can you use Facebook for greater traction? There are numerous creative ways to drive traffic to your blog. The post 8 Creative Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog with Facebook by @thebigdebowski appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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Lucy Maud Montgomery Google Doodle Honors “Anne Of Green Gables” Author On Her 141st Birthday


Inspired by scenes from the bestselling series, today’s L.M. Montgomery logo is sure to charm bookworms around the world. The post Lucy Maud Montgomery Google Doodle Honors “Anne Of Green Gables” Author On Her 141st Birthday appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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3 Facebook Ads Features You Aren’t Using (But Should Be) by @180fusion


In the spirit of sharing the “latest and greatest” features that Facebook Ads has to offer, here are three recent updates that you may not be using yet.

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4 B2B Social Media Marketing Lessons Marketers Can Learn From Their B2C Counterparts


When social media first launched, many companies were skeptical that these new platforms could be used to support their business initiatives. Today, if you hear of a company that is not on social media, you find yourself wondering “What are they thinking?”. According to NewsCred, 87% of B2B marketers use social media to distribute content.

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It’s not too late: 12 ways to boost sales this holiday season


Businesses know that the holiday period can be critical to the success of their entire year, with nearly one fifth of annual sales occurring during these couple of weeks.

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Persona Research in Under 5 Minutes


Posted by CraigBradford Well-researched personas can be a useful tool for marketers, but to do it correctly takes time. But what if you don’t have extra time?

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10 SEO Tips You’d Be Surprised You Didn’t Know by @texasgirlerin


The SEO tips below are a blend of analytics, organization, & productivity practices that seems to be frequently forgotten during chats with other marketers. The post 10 SEO Tips You’d Be Surprised You Didn’t Know by @texasgirlerin appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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How to Help Your New Website Get Indexed on Google by @neilpatel


You can’t guarantee first-page website ranking with the same bag of black hat tricks. Today, there’s a new content-driven, user-focused approach to SEO. The post How to Help Your New Website Get Indexed on Google by @neilpatel appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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