Yesterday, something bad happened with the Google Accounts system. It isn’t clear exactly what went wrong but tons of people had unexpected sign out issues and then were unable to sign back into Google…
Yesterday, something bad happened with the Google Accounts system. It isn’t clear exactly what went wrong but tons of people had unexpected sign out issues and then were unable to sign back into Google…
When Gboard, Google’s iOS keyboard, launched, I was really excited and switched to it. Overall the keyboard is way better than the built in iOS keyboard. But it was missing one big feature, voice typing.
Google will cease sales of its Google Site Search product on April 1, 2017.
Google has said for years that linking out has no impact on your rankings and SEO. So here is a reminder…
In 2014, Google declared guest blogging for links dead and has penalized guest blog networks time after time since then. So when someone asked Google’s John Mueller on Twitter if using a guest blogging platform was a good idea and safe…
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. The post SearchCap: AMP in search, search pictures and more appeared first on Search Engine Land.
People asking me on Twitter about why was deindexed by Google.
Here’s what happens to your SEO efforts when your IA sucks, some common SEO IA mistakes, and helpful tips on how to make your IA and SEO work together. The post How to Make Information Architecture & SEO Work Together by @MrDannyGoodwin appeared first on Search Engine Journal
With several popular distribution apps now linking to Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) content, columnist Barb Palser notes that the format is taking root outside of Google search — likely to provide an optimal experience for mobile users. The post Links to AMP content are showing up outside of… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.